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Rp 350.000 / Orang

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Lokasi Jenja

Town Square, Jl. Nakula No. 532XX, Legian, Bali

Jenja berlokasikan di Town Square, Jl. Nakula No. 532XX, Legian, Bali. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 350.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Jepang di area Bali. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Bali. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Jenja


5 Ulasan

  • Charles A


    Outrageous cover charge. Weak drinks. Equally weak dj's. I guess it's cool if you're rich and you like throwing away good money on a satisfactory (if lucky) experience

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  • Marc P


    setiap malan club nya beda2 musik,,ga sering kesini,cuma beberapa kali aja karena kurang suka genre musiknya.,tapi oke buat nightclub yg highclass...jadi ga sembarang orang bisa masuk,HTM nya 100k

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  • DEA0412


    this is one of the luxury clubs in bali. yes seminyak is a night club paradise. here must dress very neatly. the place is spacious, there are two floors and two clubs. actually the music is ordinary. food and beverage prices are standard

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  • its_doctor_d


    Have travelled places but never experienced something like this. The dress code is formal but was amazed to know the definition of formal footwear at Jenja. The staff at the entrance stopped us saying our footwear is not formal and hence they can’t allow us to enter the club. But the surprising option that they gave us was if we pay them 100 thousand they would provide us with a formal footwear. Have travelled places. Visited many clubs but never have heard something so weird. The staff at the entry was too arrogant. Never knew tourist in Bali were treated like this. So Incase ur plan to visit this place bear in mind u have to wear formal footwear. The definition of formal footwear only they can explain.

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  • ronnykrisna


    A place which is rated amongst the top 10 party place in bali isnt buzzing on a Saturday night. Plays Electronic Music in basement & hip hop on upper level. Good bartender but below expectation place.

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