
Bebek Goreng H. Slamet


5 Ulasan


Rp 50.000 / Orang

Bekasi Barat

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Review Bebek Goreng H. Slamet


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  • pyrotx


    This place was just few metres away from my house and I tried to eat their Duck dish for dinner. It was actually kinda delicious. I liked how they gave the proper amount of spices to the duck, which you can really taste. The duck is cooked the way that I want to, which is that the meat have the slightly pink colour ( don't worry it is not raw) . The bad thing is, there are still some tint feathers on the duck when they served it to me. It was really a bad way to give your customer a bad impression when they saw the duck with the feathers on it, and there's a big chance that they won't visit there anymore. The other bad thing is that the place look kinda dull for me. Even though they used green paint for their walls, the dim lights makes it look dull and it makes an impression that no one ever eat there. The chilli that was served on the table to eat with the duck, doesn't look appetizing at all! There was way too many oil and the colour of the oil was black, as if it was used for couple of months or something. But I had no choice that time, I was expecting another alternative for the chilli but oh well. I tried the chilli, and it was so spicy. I love spicy foods, so I think it really suits me. The thing is, when I took the chilli, I need to drain the oil from the chilli. The servants were ok, since they seem expresionless. I saw some of the servants were watching TV and the others were playing with their phones. Somehow, it was kinda pathetic. For the price, it was actually cheap and pocket friendly. Overall, I wouldn't say that it was a horrible restaurant but then it is actually not that bad.

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  • ErlanA41


    Menurut gw bebek slamet paling top dari yg pernah gw datengin yg di rawamangun krn paling garing dan gurih, less oil. Tapi utk bebek goreng, slamet msh paling favorit gw. Harga dengan yg kita makan cukup sebanding, dagingnya berasa daging presto deh ngelotok dari tulangnya, gak kebayang kalo beneran di presto pasti lbh sadis rasanya. Untuk minumnya tetep lemon squash paling ajibbbb. Tapi kekurangannya adalah ati ampela dan tahu tempe jarang tersedia, tempatnya cukup nyaman dan luas sih, parkirnya juga gak susah untuk outlet yg disini. Wajib dicoba deh pokoknya, satu porsi gak cukup gaesssss

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  • vaniasilangit77


    Ini adalah cabang Bebek Haji Slamet yg paling deket sama rumah gue, rasanya masih konsisten, enak gurih dan sambel korek nya.. Lezizzzzz.. Dari jaman 2013 sampe sekarang untuk bebek, bebek haki slamet masih juara nya deh... Karena bebek nya ga amis dan daging nya lepas dr tulang.. Hmmmmmm tapi di cabang ini sambel nya ditaro ditempat plastik gitu, biasa di cabang pondok gede pake cobek kecil, dan yg di cabang ini sambel nya terlalu banyak minyak nya.. Overall si masih yummy banget koq..?

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  • samintan


    Mampir sini sekeluarga pas pulang dr rumah sodara. Bapak doyan banget sama bebek slamet. Jadi restoran bebek default ala Bapak ya Slamet ini. Apalagi sebelumnya yg namanya bebek goreng itu alot (keras), nah Slamet ini empuk. Hmm, outlet ini parkirannya cukup luas, bebeknya juga aduhai banget, sambel koreknya lezatos, tapi ya itu td ati gorengnya pas lg abis sodara sodara.

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  • gwentriadi


    Klo kesini selalu pesen paha bebek goreng mentok. Ga tau deh mentok itu maksudnya apa.. Yg jelas bebeknya enak & empuk. Sambel koreknya bikin bibir & lidah jd gemeteran~ Seuhah pisan!

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Lokasi Bebek Goreng H. Slamet

Jl. Bintara Raya No. 4C, Bekasi Barat, Bekasi

Bebek Goreng H. Slamet terletak di Jl. Bintara Raya No. 4C, Bekasi Barat, Bekasi.Ini adalah restoran Jawa di dekat Bekasi Barat. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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