Cangkop Cafe & Resto

Cangkop Cafe & Resto


5 Ulasan


Rp 50.000 / Orang

Ruko Kemang Pratama 2, Rawalumbu

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Lokasi Cangkop Cafe & Resto

Ruko Kemang Pratama 5, Jl. Flamboyan Raya Blok BW No.16-17, Rawalumbu, Bekasi

  • Bawa Pulang

Cangkop Cafe & Resto berlokasikan di Ruko Kemang Pratama 5, Jl. Flamboyan Raya Blok BW No.16-17, Rawalumbu, Bekasi. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 50.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 11:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Indonesia di area Ruko Kemang Pratama 2, Rawalumbu. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Ruko Kemang Pratama 2, Rawalumbu. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Cangkop Cafe & Resto


5 Ulasan

  • RosieAndiS


    Ice cream greentea disini emang juara bangetttt!! Meski tempatnya di pedalaman perumahan Kemang Pratama dan paling ujung :( karna rasanya ngebayar jauhnya, bela2in niat kesini haha. Kesini emang ngga pernah pesen makanan berat, paling ngemil2 doang. Dan..... Baru sempet sekarang buat reviewnya. Tempatnya di ruko gitu, ngga besar. Tapi pelayanannya oke, cepet ;) Oiya ice cream greentea nya cuma 10K lho! Murah banget? Iya dong! Rasa? Endesz abesz... Cucok~

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  • NoRules79


    Kebetulan tempat ini ga jauh dri rumah, jadi klo mau ngopi sambil ngemil" cantik ya ini tempat jd favorit aku dan suami klo malam hari,.....

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  • 86heruh


    Located in Kemang Pratama 5, Bekasi, this might be like, the only place I can chill properly near my household. Starbucks too far and any other café(s) nearby are mediocre, so I decided to go here. As for the details:Ambience: 3.5/5This is a really nice place to go especially when escaping the hot weather outside but you're too bored to stay at home. Quite neat decoration for a café, decent music, proper AC. I don't know why this place is as empty as a zombieland tho. I might have came in an odd hour I think.Foods & Beverages: 3.5/5I ordered their Home-made Burger and a cup of Americano. Let me start from the burger shall we?Presentation? Nice. I like how they put the skewer thingy on the burger and putting on some parsley spread as the decoration. The fries are seasoned well. The burger itself is not bad. The patty was delish, but I think it's a little bit overcooked. Veggies are fresh tho, and I'm quite grateful they put on some pickles.Now, for the coffee. First off, I find it kinda cute that they serve a cookie alongside the coffee (tho, I thought it's more of a tea things). The coffee taste is real nice. It's a 4/5.As for the price, ranging from 20k-40k for light meals and beverages, it's totally worth it!Service: 3/5They're unfortunately slow on serving foods. Not for beverages, tho. Despite the slow service their hospitality never fails me from the first time I went here.Overall: 3.5/5I really don't understand the low rating. This place is 3.0/5.0 at worst. I'd totally come back

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  • luvwelshcakes


    Biasanya resto selalu penuh kalau mau buka puasa, tapi pas saya datang hanya 1 meja yang terisi. I ordered chicken gordon bleu (seharusnya sih chicken cordon bleu but that's what they wrote) and fish and chips. Nothing special, the dish is just standart.The waiter is very very unresponsive. Saya minta tolong untuk ambilkan mayonaisse tapi membutuhkan waktu sangat lama sampai dia antarkan mayonaisse nya padahal banyak karyawan yang nganggur dan malah main domino. Waiternya juga melayani dengan ketus dan seenaknya. Ada juga waiter yang menelfon sambil marah dan teriak teriak.Overall, this resto has a very bad service. No wonder there's no people coming here anymore. Will never revisit and recommend this to a friend.

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  • Windadeviska


    tadi saya makan disini, memesan garlic bread dan ice lychee tea. saya rasa servicenya kurang memuaskan. banyak karyawan yang kerjanya agak sembrono dan kurang sopan. contohnya tiba2 mereka mengambil saos tomat & sambal dimeja saya untuk orang lain, mungkin karena dia melihat saya seperti anak kecil jadi tidak dianggap penting. saya langsung merasa seperti makan diwarung pinggir jalan, malah lebih parah. padahal juga ujungnya saya bayar sama seperti yang lain.

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