Ikan Bakar Cianjur

Ikan Bakar Cianjur


32 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang

Medan Satria

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Review Ikan Bakar Cianjur


32 Ulasan

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  • Nindicha D


    Restoran favorit keluarga. Setiap bulan kayaknya at least 1x makan disini apalagi sejak buka cabang di harapan indah. Menu favorit yg wajib dicoba adalah ikan nila pepes. Sayangnya, pepes nila ini cpt banget habisnya. Kebetulan ini hari Minggu jam 6 malam jadi gak kebagian deh😿 tapi ada menu alternatif lain yg enak jg yaitu ikan nila bakar. Di sini, nila bakarnya beda. Bisa diliat di foto, sepertinya ikan ini digoreng dulu baru dipanggang sehingga kulit ikannya garing. Selain itu, setiap makan di sini pasti keluarga saya makannya nasi liwet. Untuk sayur, yang enak di sini ada pucuk ubi, sayur asem, dan sawi hijau.

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  • Wahyu777


    Ikan Bakar Cianjur is one of the most well-known West Javanese restaurant. They sell quite a variety of Indonesian foods, but they mostly sells fish dishes; just like their name of course.I visited their store quite recently in Harapan Indah, Bekasi area. The store is quite huge. It's a two-storey building with some private rooms available. The parking spot is limited though, you might have to park your car by the street outside the building.During peak hours, the restaurant would be really crowded. You might have to put your name on the waiting list. But the good news is that when you're a few names away before being seated, you will be asked to choose the menus first, thus when you got your seats, you don't have to wait too long to enjoy your meals.For my visit, I ordered Nasi Liwet, Gurame Pesmol, Fried Tofu, Tumis Kangkung (Stir Fry Kangkong), Tumis Pucuk Labu (Stir Fry Pumpkin Shoot), and karedok. But I couldn't get my hands on the karedok though, my friends ate all of it before I even try lol.Nasi Liwet consists of aromatic rice, salted fish, and a few other ingredients. It was served inside a metal pot and you have to stir it first before you eat it. I love the taste of it, not too strong, but still really good even if you eat it without anything else. It's also slightly spicy it contains crushed chilis inside the pot.Gurame Pesmol is a pan-fried gourami, seasoned with a variety of Indonesian local spices, resulting a delicious, rich-flavored dish. The yellow color comes from one of its main ingredients, turmeric. What I meant by rich-flavored is that the whole thing was supremely delicious. It's slightly sweet, and you can also taste saltiness as well. The sourness from the tomatoes on top of it gives a complete tasting experience. Truly one of the best fish dishes I've ever had.The veggies tasted mostly the same with one another. It's stir fried using garlic, thus both of them tasted really garlic-y. But the pumpkin shoot has a stronger natural taste than the kangkong. It also has a more fibrous texture, making it feels slightly rougher and harder to chew.The free chili that they gave was quite good. It fits really well with the foods they serve, especially with the plain stuffs like the fried tofu.Price wise are actually quite affordable for the quality of their foods. The fish dishes all costs the same regardless of how you ask them to cook the fish (except for the catfish). The expensive ones are actually the drinks, it can costs half of the price of some of the dishes itself. So if you just drink the complimentary mineral water, all seems to be pretty good.

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  • rf9npr


    Salah satu makanan sunda favorit ane. Tmptnya lux, walau harga terbilang tidak murah namun sesuai dengan kualitas makanan dan rasa. Terbukti dr pengunjung yg ga pernah sepi walopun lokasi agak diujung. Top.

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  • indra0808


    Tempatnya besar banget n nyaman..full AC.Porsi makanan termasuk besar.Harganya msuk akal.Pelayanan standar ajah, tp jumlah pelayannya banyak, waktu antara memesan dan makanan keluar : sedeng, ga trlalu cepet tp jg ga trlalu lama nunggu.

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  • Ramasanjaya123123


    Nasi liwet nya bikin kangen, gurame asam manis ny juga enak, ikan pesmol nya juga uenak, dessert nya enak, cm harga nya agak lumayan, ga murah. Buat gathering bisa banget tempat nya gede, lokasi samping spbu transera harapan indah. Nila pesmol ny enak

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Lokasi Ikan Bakar Cianjur

Ruko Sentra Niaga 6, Blok 8 No. 5-6, Jl. Harapan Indah Boulevard, Medan Satria, Bekasi

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Ikan Bakar Cianjur terletak di Ruko Sentra Niaga 6, Blok 8 No. 5-6, Jl. Harapan Indah Boulevard, Medan Satria, Bekasi.Ini adalah restoran Sunda di dekat Medan Satria. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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