Gambar Makanan Island Creamery 1

Island Creamery


40 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Summarecon Mall Bekasi Utara

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Gambar Makanan Island Creamery

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Lokasi Island Creamery

Summarecon Mall Bekasi, Lantai Ground, Downtown Walk, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Bekasi Utara, Bekasi

Island Creamery berlokasikan di Summarecon Mall Bekasi, Lantai Ground, Downtown Walk, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Bekasi Utara, Bekasi. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 75.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Es Krim di area Summarecon Mall Bekasi Utara. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Summarecon Mall Bekasi Utara. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Island Creamery


40 Ulasan

  • angeldian


    My second review here. Very dissapointed. My sister order a red velvet lava cake, it tooks 30 minutes to serve it, and WOW not soooooo a good looking cake ever! I can't believe it! They served a cake like this to a customer 😤😤 and they just serve it impolitely and of course they didn't apologize about what happen with the cake. Hemm. Ok. I've wrote the review before, but now i have something to share again. So i deleted the first review (i captured it and post it with this). And I'm so sorry to say, but this is my second complains.

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  • Trisnaning P


    Seminggu yang lalu aku kesini, pesan Banana Split. Enaaaakkk.. Tapiiiii, kebanyakan whipped creamnya. Itu terlalu banyak kurang ok, kebanting sama ice creamnya. Ada brownies atau oreo didalamnya, enak banget sih, kalau aku makannya, disingkirin dulu tuh whipped creamnya yg super lebay.Keduaaa, mini baked alaska, enak. udah 2x coba mini baked alaska. Ok bon appetit !

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  • onionhead38


    waffle banana nya enak cuma rasanya biasa aja, tapi molten cakenya enak bgttt tapi sayang ukurannya kecil huhuhu tapi ice cream nya lembut dan bikin nagih! Harganya lumayan sebanding dengan rasa. Must try!

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  • monmonalisa


    Talking about the taste, i would give it a 3/5, but the service, man i don't know, it seemed a bit unprofessional here. I've ordered something and waited for 10minutes, then the waitress approached my table saying that they actually had ran out the dish. I've paid and waited for it, so then he offered me something else with the same price, i said no, i ordered something cheaper, and yes i got my money back but i was so pissed. And there's another problem too in their service(I can't describe it because it's a little complicated). The point is, it's such a shame that this restaurant has like a 3 star dishes but the service is so bad. Oh and I didn't receive my receipt guys, they didn't give me a receipt.

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  • W6621UHdinam


    Nyobain yang di smb, tepatnya di lantai ground, downtown walk. Tempatnya kecil jg sih, wkt itu lagi sepi banget wkwk tapi nunggu makanannya lumayan lama. Wifinya cepet bgt. Gue mesen:1. Red velvet lava cake: enak, manisnya pas. Ada rainbow ice creamnya yg ternyata ice cream vanilla+bolu warna warni. Trus ada cream cheese+almondnya. Enak dimakan pas masih anget deh2. Beef chili mac n cheese: gatau kenapa yang gue temuin malah banyakan mushroomnya daripada beefnya. Beefnya dikit dan porsinya juga kok keliatannya lebih sedikit :(

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