Gambar Makanan Red Bean 1

Red Bean


5 Ulasan


Rp 110.000 / Orang

Grand Metropolitan Mall Selatan

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Review Red Bean


5 Ulasan

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  • Bouqie


    Rasa makanan di red bean termsk lumayan, cuma harganya sj yg agak tinggi.. hehe..Suka bgt sama tahu goreng telur asinnya disini, sama nasi cap cay-nya jg.. Utk nasi capcay-nya, nasinya digoreng dulu dgn telur, br habis itu disiram capcay. Utk sy yg penyuka telur, mnrtku ini ok bgt.. ^^ Utk kwetiau kuahnya rasanya biasa aja..Pelayanan trmsk ok disini.. Pelayannya cpt tanggap..

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  • Gl0be_Tr0tter88


    Taste is Good. But the Service is BAD. We had reserve this place before breakfasting. Until 30 minute of breakfasting, the Menu who was we reserve not ready yet. They serve our menu with Wrong Menu. And the Waitress dont have a quality.

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  • Anastasia C


    Rasanya standar. Kesini memesan kepiting telur asin yang, IMO, terlalu asin, pocai siram jamur enoki yang rasanya hambar, dan sapo tahu seafood yang rasanya lumayan. Ditambah harga yang cukup mahal. Kurang worth harga dengan rasa.

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  • Andi Ulil A


    I was here at 08.15 pm and when I entered Red Bean all the staff were bussy cleaning up the tables so they were ignored me when I was sat at the table. Its just like they were in a hurry to get closed and went home (the staff). I have to yelled at the waitress that passed me by. And it was so noisy when they were cleaning the table (like throwing spoon, fork, plates ect). And the table was smells bad like its been moped using unwashed mop. I was ordered Kakap Asam manis and for the drink was light blue sky (sound something like that..). I have to wait 25minutes long just to get one drink (sigh). And for one kind of meal I have to waited for 50minutes (thats just nuts). I was ordered kakap asam manis, frankly the taste was good enough for me. Kepiting soka the taste was good enough. The thing that dissapointing for me is only the service. It takes quite a long time and the waitress was walking around the tables and never stops. It not comfortable for me. My suggestion is came to Red Bean when its empty or lacks of customer. I'll give 3 for the tastes and 2.0 for the service.

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  • Paulus S


    Entah kenapa ini menu red bean kali ini bikin kiciwaaa.Padahal cuma pesen hainan loh, apa karna udah telat jam makan atau gmn ya? Aku makan pas lagi jam buka puasa sekitar jam 7pmTp nasinya kehabisan, jd cuma dpt nasi putih, trus gak cantik bgt susunan dagingnya. Menurutku sih dengan level resto di mall hrsnya Sangat jeli ya soal penampilan makanannya hmmmTp soal rasa sih so so lah (apa karna udah sensi bentuknya jd gak bs subjective lg atau gmn ya? Hahahaha)Cost nya rada lupa nih -+ 60K kali yaaaAku pesen cuma ini sama es teh manis aja sih.Intinya over all Aku kasih nilai 3/5

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Lokasi Red Bean

Grand Metropolitan Mall, Lantai 3, Jl. KH Noer Ali, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi

Red Bean terletak di Grand Metropolitan Mall, Lantai 3, Jl. KH Noer Ali, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi.Ini adalah restoran Chinese Food di dekat Grand Metropolitan Mall Selatan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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