The Lebanesian Lebanese Warung, Sanur
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The Lebanesian Lebanese Warung, Sanur


30 Ulasan



Rp 134.000 / Orang

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Review The Lebanesian Lebanese Warung, Sanur


30 Ulasan

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  • Yudith R


    Pure Lebanese every one must try it

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  • halimanr


    Falafel great, hummus good, but the bread cold... Very slow better next time

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  • rifqifikriansyah


    More sauce won't hurt 😊

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  • Erbetrorong


    I hope that is olive oil on the hummus and not palm oil...falafal small but good though

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  • Yudith R


    Warm and delicious... Your best yet

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  • rifqifikriansyah


    Nasi nya gak mateng

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  • elizaaaa2020


    What oil do you use on top of the hummus? I don't like it, sorry... Next time no oil... Thank you, the falafel and roti good

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  • HendrikSupardi


    It’s a shame I have to write this because the food was excellent. I didn’t expect to find what appeared to be a toothpick in my falafel wrap!. I will think twice before ordering from here again

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  • PutriMayangsari44


    Good hummus today, all good actually... Thank you

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  • cadcadmon


    Great again, thanks

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Lokasi The Lebanesian Lebanese Warung, Sanur

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The Lebanesian Lebanese Warung, Sanur terletak di Jl. Kutat Lestari No. B, Sanur, Bali.Ini adalah restoran Timur Tengah di dekat Denpasar. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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