De Barra
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De Barra


30 Ulasan



Rp 60.000 / Orang

Margo City, Beji

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30 Ulasan

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  • ulvirahma


    Nyoba 1x makan di De Barra overall makanannya enak2 cocok deh sama selera orang Indo.. pizza,lasagnanya enakkkYang harus dibenahi mungkin pelayanannya karna makanannya datengnya lamaaa

  • Birgitha L


    suka banget makan disini sejak pertama kali buka dan namanya masih "barra di cafe" dulu, dulu nih, pizza, lasagna sama baked rice nya enak banget & kejunya berlimpah. kadang di tanggal tua cuma pesen omelette sama ice tea aja puas.entah kenapa sekarang kualitas makanannya menurun, pizza nya ketipisan dan kejunya dikit padahal udah tambah extra cheese topping. moo loco baked rice nya bumbunya kurang rata, kadang hambar kadang keasinan. pelayannya suka bercanda sendiri dan bergerombol dikasir jadi agak susah kalo mau order tambahan. tata ruangnya udah cozy banget, sayang kadang music yang di play ngga sesuai.

  • SusanJCanberra


    Makanannya ga seenak dulu, dulu sempet ada calzone sekarang udah ga ada. Pertama kali nyoba pizzanya juga enak bgt bener2 italian pizza. Tapi pas ke 3 kali kesana pizzanya jd ga seenak dulu malahan sempet kurang mateng. Waktu itu jg ada problem ya di nasi gorengnya. Pelayanannya jg skrg kurang ramah gitu. Tapi tempatnya enak buat hangout

  • Norma P


    Good place but they don't serve a good food. Menurut gue sebagai penjajal pasta sih disini pastanya kurang enak, dengan harga segitu (38-45k kalo nggak salah) gue bisa makan pasta yg lebih worth di tempat lain. Temen gue mesen salad jg biasa aja, kalo pizza sih gue nggak tau tapi gue ngga mau kesini lagi sih, menurut gue ngga worth it.

  • Yrref W


    The place is cool and the people working there are friendly, but.... It takes ages to get the food served. I had to wait more than half an hour for a bowl of pasta! The price is quite reasonable, I guess. However, if you're really starving, you'd better think twice first.

  • ningsi25


    Foods were not as i expected... If you just wanna hang out with friends, ok lah. But i think it's just not the right choice if you're looking for a really tasty food to eat.

  • Davidavv1


    Salah satu tempat pewe buat ngeteh sambil ngemil-ngemil cantik. Interior nya yang lucu bikin betah buat berlama-lama disini. Nggak cuman interiornya yang menarik, pizza nya yang merupakan salah satu menu andalan disini juga wajib dicoba. Pizza nya ala Italia gitu yang tipker (tipis kering), enak deh. Soal harga juga masih terjangkau khususnya dikantong mahasiswa :p

  • alexdelahaye


    Salah satu resto favorit di margo city. Letaknya ada di samping little asia. Tempatnya bagus, cozy, dan agak bernuansa vintage gitu. Setiap kesini selalu pesen fish steak sama lasagna. Tapi sayang sekarang rasa lasagna nya beda. Porsi cukup, ga terlalu banyak dan ga terlalu dikit. Overall lumayan kok

  • Ywij77


    even almost every weekend i go to Margo city, i think i hardly go to this cafe. This restaurant seem to be less popular here. But i must admit what i love about this restaurant that this place is very cozy to hang out. the arrangement interior and decoration is nice. they have big and comfy sofa for you to hang out. The service is friendly and the waiter is responsive, maybe it's because this place has less guest that other restaurant in margo city. Seeing that i think the food is just bland but hey i was wrong.This restaurant is specialized in baked pasta and rice but they also offer different kind of pasta as well. this is what we order Spaghetti Bolognese - 25 KTheir spaghetti bolognese is just okay. The pasta cooked perfectly and the sauce is taste fresh . For the portion they have small and medium size. The small size portion is just rightCabe Rawit Fried Rice - 33 KTheir fried rice i must admit is very tasty . with the savory taste and the spiciness from cabe rawit really a great mix. What can i say i love spicy fried rice. i think their fried rice taste is delicious. Chicken Wing package - 28 KThis combo package is consist of chicken wing, french fries and also ice tea. So for you that one all , they also served some combo that really save you money. The chicken wing for me the taste is just okay. The sauce is barbecue sauce with combination of sour and a bit spicyBanana Split - 25 KDessert lover, so there's always room for dessert. Their banana spit can be better, i mean the platting is not too appealing. The taste just okay. i guess with better platting will be more attractiveOverall tey ambiance is cozy and nice however the food taste is just standard. The price is affordable

  • ferys2014


    Endeeeeeeees bangeet nasi bakarnyaaaa, recommended bangeeet nasi bakarnyaa.. tempatnyaa unik lucu buat foto-foto. Makananya enaaaak tapi yaaa mahal hehehe. Tapi rasa dan harganya sesuai hehe.

Lokasi De Barra

De Barra terletak di Margo City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Margonda Raya, Beji, Depok.Ini adalah restoran Pizza di dekat Margo City, Beji. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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