Saho Coffee & Roastery

Saho Coffee & Roastery


17 Ulasan


Rp 35.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Saho Coffee & Roastery

Cinere One Commercial Park, Blok KB No. 6, Jl. Cinere Raya, Cinere, Depok

Saho Coffee & Roastery berlokasikan di Cinere One Commercial Park, Blok KB No. 6, Jl. Cinere Raya, Cinere, Depok. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 35.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Kopi di area Cinere. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Cinere. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Saho Coffee & Roastery


17 Ulasan

  • ifanibali


    Saho. Tempatnya persis di belakang Cinere Bellevue. Datang kesana sewaktu minggu sore, cuma kita yang ada. Pesan coffee latte, red velvet latte, lasagna dan sampler. Taste red velvet ok lah, must try untuk disitu. Wifi juga kencang.

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  • luigiCalisai


    Iseng kesini ada 'niat lain' yg tak bs diungkapkan :DTempatnya nyaman buat santai, music nya ok.Krn ga niat lama, jd cuma pesen cream caramel (enak bgt) & vanilla, dan rotibakar coklat keju. Total 70k an.Buat yang perlu me time or menikmati kerja dgn laptop sendirian bs bgt disini, wifinya kenceng :DOverall ok lah

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  • ljwelo


    Pertama kali ke saho coffee ini, ternyata gak susah untuk nemuin tempatnya persis dibelakang cinere bellevue.Tempatnya nyaman apalagi area no smokingnya. Betah lama2 buat ngobrol ataupun ngerjain tgs disana. Pelayanannya juga sangat baik.Waktu kesini saya pesan hot red velvet. Rasanya enak pas bgt gak terlalu manis juga. Next mau coba minuman yg lainnya.

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  • TeguhGY


    Bad nachos. Nachos nya dari happytos dan saos nya dingin. Awal order menu niat mesen americano tapi mesin nya rusak dan cuma available yang manual brew. Bad first impression.

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  • Wandibara


    Place: 4/5So cozy. Love the ambience, the decor, and there's a book shelf so waiting wouldn't be so boring. One thing is they need to add more exhaust fan because if the middle room was full of smoking people, it got too smokey, and it made your eyes hurt.Coffee: 2/5As a coffee lover, the taste of coffee here is below standard. Sorry to say. I ordered caramel latte and it tasted too artificial. Too much caramel syrup, and the consistency was far from creamy. I tried my friend's iced latte, and it's just bland. Not sure if adding sugar would help. I usually like lattes even if they're sugarless. But probably it was just the ice melting in that made it bland.And the best seller was avocado coffee or what i cant remember the name. It was a blended avocado, topped witg vanilla ice cream, and a small shot of espresso added to it. I mixed it all and no taste of coffee, no taste of ice cream whatsoever. I am in confusion of what I'm supposed to taste. I only taste avocado. I'd rather drink avocado with vanilla sweet condensed milk. Seriously.I'm deeply sorry. But the owner needs to raise the standard.

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