The Harvest

The Harvest


34 Ulasan


Rp 50.000 / Orang


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Lokasi The Harvest

Jl. Margonda Raya No. 295, Beji, Depok

  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

The Harvest berlokasikan di Jl. Margonda Raya No. 295, Beji, Depok. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 50.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Roti di area Beji. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Beji. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review The Harvest


34 Ulasan

  • Prabowo W


    Disini semuanya enak banget :( I absolutely loved the design interior of the place, minimalist, but beautiful. Harga sih kinda pricey menurutku, apalagi dengan kue yang ukurannya juga ga terlalu besar, tapi emang terjamin rasanya. Macaroons disini juga enak dan rasanya pas, ga kemanisan dan bentuknya nyaris sempurna.

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  • delightcrown


    I'm a satisfied customer. I came here on my mom's birthday, so I could buy her a 20x10 tiramisu cake. While I was waiting for the tiramisu cake, I also bought a portion of chocomaltine cheesecake. When I came home, turned out my mom and dad loved tiramisu so much. So I didn't get to eat enough cake. But yeah, you can never get enough of tiramisu cake. Tiramisu : 5/5Chocomaltine cheesecake : 4/5

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  • HelenaWilma66


    What I love about visiting a cake house is you would find real amusing experience not only from their cakes but also the ambience. The harvest is one of the cake houses that can serve you both. Located in the prime street of Margonda, this cake house is truly sophisticatedly picturesque in terms of building and interior. I bet you would not mind spending hours just to sit and do nothing. They have two floors and each floor offers you the same peace effect of feeling. In a corner of their building they have pictures from some photographers that they display along the aile and sofa. Somehow, you would feel like you are in a museum of exhibition. Just beautiful. And the green of some plants and ancient stuff would create an eclectic and romantic vibe. Plus they turn on the kings of convinience's music that make your experience in enjoying your cakes more convinient. I'm just in love with the place. They cakes are other thing that would make you in love with the brand. And I guess the Harvest is one of the brand which its products are undoubtable in terms of look and taste. They are as tasty as your best imagination about pastry and cake. And all I can say is that the harvest never fails in spoiling my tongue and eyes at the same time. Even I'm now thinking that this place could be your right spot to have a date since the room is full of romance coming from the room and the cakes. I would definitely never think twice if there's somebody taking me to this place over and over again. Anyone? 😝

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  • GrandTour56388918390


    Sudah lama enggak mampir, datang lagi akhir tahun lalu karena pengin red velvet cake. Jadi bungkus sepotong red velvet, 2 potong chocolate cake (lupa namanya), dan 5 potong praline.Dan sampai hari ini belum balik lagi ke The Harvest. Soalnya red velvet cake yang saya idam-idamkan itu rasanya tidak seenak dulu. Praline, termasuk cappuccino truffle, juga rasanya tidak semantap praline pesaingnya. Mudah-mudahan sudah ada perbaikan rasa.Kalau untuk pelayanan, so far oke banget. Tanya ini itu dijawab staf dengan ramah meski suasana agak ramai.

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  • CarloS2680


    Dateng kesini jam8 malam pas bulan ramadan.Buat nunggu meja dibersihin diambilin piringnya aja butuh 2x samperin masnya ke dalem (nunggu 15mnt). Abis meja dibersihin ga dateng2 lagi 😥Akhirnya kedalem lagi minta menu, ditanya duduknya dmn nanti dianter sm dia, akhirnya balik nunggu cantik dimeja, udh skitar 10mnt ga dateng2, gw balik lagi kedalem minta menu biar gw aja sendiri yg ambil + tulis nanti gw kasih waitersnya, tapi lg2 dikasih php bakal dianter, udah 15mnt'an tp ga dikasih2! Padahal waitersnya bolak balik servise meja lain! Nani!!!!Pacar udh ga sabar pengen mrh2 tp gw tahan krn emg kesini mau diner rayain 5th anniv😕 (tumben gw yg panjang sabar🙄). Akhirnya ga pk basa basi lg gw seret pacar keluar krn nafsu mkn kita udh ilang.

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