100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel

100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel


17 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang

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Lokasi 100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel

Century Park Hotel, Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Senayan, Jakarta

  • Wifi

100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel berlokasikan di Century Park Hotel, Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan, Senayan, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 150.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 6:00 - 1:00 dan merupakan Asia di area Jakarta. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Jakarta. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review 100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel


17 Ulasan

  • Hendry P


    I went to 100 Eatery & Bar for my friend's birthday dinner. Got stumbled here by the review that said the place is well decorated and comfy. It's true though! I love the ambience here. Beautiful place and well decorated, with live music and super friendly staffs. I scored high at the review mostly because of that: the ambience, their service, and of course, wifi! Haha, quite satisfying for my first time here. The food is standard though, maybe you should just come here to enjoy their beverages and snacks or desserts, not for the food. But overall, I like the place. It's good for having time for chit chat with your friends while enjoying drinks and anything sweet.

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  • LoveTravel557096


    Kesini karena diundang sama orang Jepangnya saat semacam after party sebuah acara yang melibatkan perusahaan2 Jepang. Overall gue suka suasananya, sangat comfy dan buat makanannya menurut gue enak banget apalagi potato pancakenya, nagih banget! Kue2 kecilnya juga enak, empuk dan manisnya pas. Karena gue gak bisa minum minuman beralkohol otomatis gue cuma minum jus jeruk doang dan aseeeem banget huhu Mungkin gue bakal kesini lagi kalau gue udah sukses hehehe

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  • Ded_adi44


    Nice cozy atmosphere but the music is to loud for this kind of joint and doest suit with the ambiance...Great pasta and salat, also great offers for beer...Cheers!

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  • 23asepp


    went here for lunch, kebetulan ada jadwal praktek diklinik hotelnya, nyobain iced lychee tea (terlalu manis) better next time minta gulanya dipisah. i had fried rice "century" as a main course. big portion with a lots of side dishes, from beef satay to grilled prawn. rasa nasi gorengnya kurang gurih menurutku. kerupuknya ga garing lagi, cenderung mlempem. but the atmosphere is very nice, modern and mininal interior. they have live music every night, start on 8PM. maybe next time will come back to try their drinks :)

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  • Brizzy P


    Mashed potatonya, salmon, patty burger ennaaak bgt, bikin nagih! Buat kongkow mlm Minggu juga oke, ditengah2 jkt, harganya masuk akal dan suasanya cozy. Aku mau sii ksana lagi

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Menu 100 Eatery & Bar - Century Park Hotel

  • Salmon Cheese Roll 8pcs

    Rp 197.500

    Kawa 2pcs

    Rp 66.250

    Gyu Donburi

    Rp 128.750

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