American Grill

American Grill


20 Ulasan


Rp 200.000 / Orang

Mall Taman Anggrek, Tanjung Duren

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Lokasi American Grill

Mall Taman Anggrek, Lantai 3, Jl. Tanjung Duren Timur 2, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta

American Grill berlokasikan di Mall Taman Anggrek, Lantai 3, Jl. Tanjung Duren Timur 2, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 200.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Bistik di area Mall Taman Anggrek, Tanjung Duren. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Mall Taman Anggrek, Tanjung Duren. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review American Grill


20 Ulasan

  • Andiprayugo


    Well, actually I ate at soekarno hatta airport. But couldn't find in website.For premium steak (sirloin steak), nothing special. In fact, for 289,000 IDR before tax, this menu way over expensive. Thus, beside the price, the taste also not so good. I ordered well done steak. 2.5 out of 5. The fries was so salty. The other menu, child casper menu, was not good either.Overall, no wonder this restaurant is empty. But the place quite good compare to other fast food restaurant nearby.

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  • Momogi_1107


    Ini sebenarnya resto lama.. dulu makannya di cl tp skrg yg di cl ud tutup.. jd makan di TA.. untuk mslah salad bar maupun steak rasa sbnrnya ud mlai berkurang jauh tapi masih okay bwat makan koq saat dinner or lunch.. klo gw prefer bubur, nasgor sama eskrimnya disini..

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  • Anggertraveller


    This placed used to be a good place for salad bar and grill.I don't know what happened and it tasted bad now.The fish? Seriously? I can finish that in a single bite size and the potato tasted awful and too creamy.Well at least the skinned potato is still good but it came like at the last minute.Guys come on, how many chefs do they have and how many staffs do they have?The service is just terrible and rude.Not to mention the price since it's clearly overpriced.

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  • gohh976


    This is the worst restaurant i've gone so far. I like none of the food.I ordered premium sirloin and the salad bar.1. Premium SirloinThe sirloin tasted so bad that my boyfriend couldn't finish it. He said this was the first steak he couldn't finish. The medium well tasted like well done steak. He couldn't finish the mashed potato, too. My home-made mashed potato is much more better than this restaurant's.2. Beef soupObviously not delicious. My mom's beef soup is 100 times better3. SaladThe mayonaise was so not appetizing. It was so watery that you could see the water separated from the mayo. The mushroom is so stinky that i couldn't swallow it4. ToastThey gave us toast as compliment. It was so salty!5. Fried riceDefinitely not good6. Spaghetti bologniseNo taste. The sauce was satery as well.7. DessertAre you kidding me? The dessert was disgusting! The jelly tasted bad, the caramel pudding was so watery, the cake was not moist and fluffy (you could still feel the ingridients. They weren't mixed well). The ice cream? McD's is still better.I spent 430.000 IDR to taste such disgusting dishes. I regret my decision.I will never come to this place. Ever. Again.

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  • GrandTour364821


    Sebenernya ga rencana mau makan disini. Cm karena berhub resto yg mau makan nya antri, akhirnya pd lewat sini jd mampir deh. Udah lama banget resto ini. Dan udh lama bgt ga balik kesini. Secara menu masih sama kyk yg dl. Menunya jg ga ganti sampe sudah rusak. Sy memesan duo combo nya yakni chicken teriyaki dan fish spicy sauce. Rasanya ga suka banget. Ayamnya asin, dan ikannya manis. Bener2 ga oke. Untuk salad dan menu dessertnya juga udah jauh bgt rasanya. Makin lama makin kurang banding dulu. Padahal bisa terbilang menu simple. Akhirnya sy ga makan banyak disini. Mungkin ada baikny resto ini melakukan modif menu supaya dpt bersaing dengan yg lainnya.

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