Amigos Bar & Cantina

Amigos Bar & Cantina


26 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang

Bellagio Boutique Mall, Kuningan

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Review Amigos Bar & Cantina


26 Ulasan

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  • Guide314007


    Terima kasih situs webXAmigosxHeinekenIndonesia atas undangannya.Baru sekali ini ke cabang Amigos yang di Belagio, kalau di cabang Kemang mah ga usah ditanya dekat rumah soalnya hehe.Happy banget bisa kumpul sama teman2 situs web ngerasain makanan asal Meksiko dan mendapat ilmu beer serving dari Heineken.Kalau menu fave di Amigos dari keluarga quesadillas lah, baik beef, chicken maupun spinach. Enak bangeeett.Pokoknya kalau mau menu autentik dari Meksiko di Jakarta bisa ke Amigos. Guacamolenya fresh dan refried beansnya tasty.

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  • charliek482


    I favor Amigos Kemang and always make some time to enjoy the place, but this one was disappointing to me.Ambience, service, food, they weren't right.Ordered my go to menu, spinach quesadilla but tasted so so. Guacamole was off.Baja burrito was blunt but salty somehow.Chicken taco was okay.The rice was dry and didn't taste fresh.All those dishes weren't even warm.I came with a website friend who never left his dish but clean, yet this time he didn't finish the food.There was an event in which they reserved the 1st floor but no sign and no assistance from any servers that I was 'shooed' to go upstairs.The music was super loud and wasn't nice that I had to ask them to turn it just a little lower for everyone to enjoy yet no feedback.It was an unpleasant experience.

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  • OWD1


    kesini malem minggu sepi bgt, uda jam 10 keatas jg masi sepi. tempatnya b aja si. minumannya a bit overpriced dibanding tempat lain. tempatnya di ground floor bellagio mall. bener2 ga worthy kalo nyari crowd karena sesepiii ituuu. pas malem minggu ada djnya, tp mungkin karna gada crowd dia duduk2 aja ga lama.

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  • Bupets


    While its very rare to find a good Mexican place in Asia, Amigos in Jakarta does an okay job. The ambience helps too, and the portions are huge and generous which makes filling meals.

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  • Devia C


    I came here after 5 PM, the waitress was so nice allowing me and my sister to sat on reserved table (usually waiter/ress wont allow us to sat on reserved table even the waiting time is still far ahead).All food we ordered, were delicious!1. Beef quesadilla I love how the cheese melted between beef. And beef was also juicy and tasty! I just realized that adding the guacamole would make this taste more delicious. Portion was so me! Haha (big portion)2. Beef tacoMy sister ordered this, and it was also very nice! But maybe they need to add 3 tacos instead of 2 tacos and 1 rice on the menu. 3. Chicken burritos I take away this meal for my husband. Big portion, still good even my husband said it was not as good as what he had last time. I didn’t recall it.Overall, the price is compatible with its size and taste. To improve : its too dark, and i can smell the smoke on non smoking area. And can we just make “rice” as options with “potatoes”? The rice has always been tasteless 😔But of course I would comeback here for its delicious quesadilla and some others item i would love to tryI would give 4/5 for overall

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Lokasi Amigos Bar & Cantina

Bellagio Boutique Mall, Lantai Ground, Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kuningan, Jakarta

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Amigos Bar & Cantina terletak di Bellagio Boutique Mall, Lantai Ground, Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kuningan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Meksiko di dekat Bellagio Boutique Mall, Kuningan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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