Bagel - Bagel
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Bagel - Bagel


32 Ulasan



Rp 30.000 / Orang


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Review Bagel - Bagel


32 Ulasan

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  • firdaus1453


    Varian sandwich 👍🏽 model bagelnya yg beragam dan menggunakan 'flour' yg dlm kategori baik, tidak keras hasilnya tekstur masih 'fluppy', varian isi beragam ada turkey 😋 thai ice teanya pas, tinggal opsi sambalnya mungkin bisa ditambah ada tabasco akan lebih baik

  • putra9994


    My fav bagel😍 tapi memang karna tekstur bagel, lebih enak utk dine it instead di take away. Karna once bagel nya mulai ga hangat, it will be so chewy and hard to eat. All flavour is good!

  • Anastasiareza


    Pertama dateng diajak temenku nyobain bagel katanya enak. Yaudah melipir mampir, outletnya kecil gitu tapi aku suka dinding brick putihnya, yang bikin suasana jadi clean. Untuk menu aku nyobain poppy seed bagel with smoked salmon, dan ternyata.... Ena



    My very first time here.. Tempat kecil tp cozy. Home made bagel nya freshsmuaaa. Sya psan yg nutela hazelnut ga nyesel. Cream cheese jg enak tp krg asin.Mba2 nya ramah juga. Harga agak sedikit mhal.

  • volvostwg


    Tempatnya kecil tapi cozy. Suka dengan rasa bagel nya. Paling suka yang bagelwich lox -- kenyaang cuma salmon nya agak too salty. Karena tempatny yang terlalu sempit enaknya sih buat take away aja

  • marsheilla2004


    Craving for late noon snack, also because i'm watching taken 3 last night, make me kinda want bagel. Bagel bagel have only 2 places, at kemang and plaza senayan.The place is kind hard to get, it's not on the main street, but if you familiar with this area, you probably find easier. I just realized that this place is across zaskia sungkar & saskia mecca boutique lol, out of topics.You can get sandwich bagels here, there are so many option you can get, but i simply want the classic one. So i get sesame seed, plain, everything need and poppy sees. Each cost 9k. There's no cream cheese tho, i'm confused. I ask the waitress for cream cheese but she said it's already included when i buy the bagels, but when i get home and wanna eat those, searching for cream cheese and theres none. Maybe i get her wrong or misunderstood or something, idk.

  • AzharR96


    Bagell nyaa endessss buat kamu yg sedang menjalankan diet perlu coba dateng kesini kenapaa? Karena disini ada bagel gandum nya dan itu bener2 ngenyangin sampe sore (kalo gue) dulu waktu masih kuliah sering banged kesini tapi sekarang looooooong time no come 😢

  • Arif P


    Well, mesen bagel yang chocolate chip trus pake nutella. Enaaaaakkk, enak banget. Emang manis sih, ga dianjurin bagi yang ga suka manis. Bagel nya juga keras jadi agak susah digigit, tapi overall enak kokk.Cucu Anggraeni

  • natwaf


    First thing first, my definition of bagel is the New York kind. Which means, it's not light, not fluffy, not bread, not donut-like. A good bagel is dense, it has a good mass, and has a good body when you bite into it.With that explanation out of the way, I can say that this is company is the only one in town that comes close to it. I see many bakeries selling bagel, but they're almost always round breads (or worse, masquerading donuts! Ugh!) I've been a customer for many years but hardly venture into the sandwiches, I usually buy a stash of bagels and head home. I make my own sandwiches with them. Again, their bagel is the closest to good bagels by my definition. I actually would rate them a little lower, but they get bonus points for being the only provider.

  • indoinfj


    I like the chocochip bagel in here. I'd rather choose buy in Kemang than Plaza senyan. Cause I bought a few times in Plaza senayan it's not really good. Although bagel still be my favourite bread.

Lokasi Bagel - Bagel

Bagel - Bagel terletak di Jl. Benda Raya No. 140, Kemang, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Kemang. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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