Bean There

Bean There


9 Ulasan


Rp 15.000 / Orang

Energy Building, SCBD

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Lokasi Bean There

Energy Building, Lantai Mezzanine, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang

Bean There berlokasikan di Energy Building, Lantai Mezzanine, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 15.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 7:00 - 16:00 dan merupakan Kopi di area Energy Building, SCBD. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Energy Building, SCBD. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Bean There


9 Ulasan

  • john_patek


    Nyobain Hot Cappucino small (25k). Coffee beansnya Arabica campuran local dan luar negeri (nga sempat nanya lebih detail). Tastenya cukup bold dengan fruity taste yang cukup dominan. Saya jauh lebih suka kopi di sini dibandingkan dengan kopi di café sebelahnya ( Ke' K**n). Baristanya baik dan ramah. Meskipun saya hanya takeaway, coffeenya tetap tampil dengan latterart. Recommended.

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  • hemuhemu19


    Great coffee! Mas Gani and Mas Asep know what they are doing! My day has never really started without a cup of bean there's piccolo latte!!!

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  • TiahCasidi


    Idk that a simple stand could provide that yummy coffee drink. Order Chai Latte (4/5) and it tastes so gewwwwwd! Gatau contentnya apa tapi pasti bakal balik buat pesen menu ini lagi 😍

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  • turgen


    yesterday I tried the chai latte and iced chocolate. the chai latte was too sweet and too milky. the spice is there but the sweetness overpower it.for the iced chocolate was actually good. it has the bitter taste in it. so pure. if only they have baileys topping, it would taste even better.

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  • ambarw59


    Bean there over starbucks any day. It's 20k for a small long black, just right to get me started for the day.I admire the attention given by the 2 baristas whether you're an employee upstairs or a janitor running errands. They take the effort to making latte art even when the drinks are served in takeaway cups. No short cuts, quality always consistent. In addition, they offer a second blend of coffee seeds that you can choose from. I appreciate the service given by small bussinesses such as these and my respect goes to the 2 baristas of Bean There.

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