Beard Papa's

Beard Papa's


33 Ulasan


Rp 25.000 / Orang

Pondok Indah Mall 2, Pondok Indah

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Lokasi Beard Papa's

Pondok Indah Mall 2, Lantai 2, South Skywalk, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang

Beard Papa's berlokasikan di Pondok Indah Mall 2, Lantai 2, South Skywalk, Jl. Metro Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 25.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Roti di area Pondok Indah Mall 2, Pondok Indah. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Pondok Indah Mall 2, Pondok Indah. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Beard Papa's


33 Ulasan

  • EkoAhadyat


    had a bad experience here. service was awful. the cashier INSISTED that I could only pay by cash, but I was adamant to pay with debit (couldn't bother to hold cash, it's 2017 for god's sakes). they said the machine was offline. turned out it was fine all along. they became grumpy that I was right and they were wrong. they didn't say thank you and replied my questions snarkily. I will reconsider a thousand times before buying from this branch again.

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  • nyomansuparta97


    Dari dulu hingga sekarang beard papa's selalu jadi cemilan jenis sus favoritku favoritku yg eclair dgn isian Vanilla. Kali ini kembali ke beard papa pesan item yg sama namun kali ini bedanya kalau biasanya puff eclairnya sausnya putih(whitechocolate) kalo ini chocolate jujur lebih suka yg whitechocolate tp yah udh. Cream puffnya masih sama cuma tekstur puffnya yg sekarang lebih keras tapi tetep oke oh ya klo dulu klo mau duduk hrs sharing dgn store sebelahnya tapi sekarang karena store sebelahnya ga ada dan bakal jadi beard papa juga jadi sekarang bisa duduk

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  • well22007


    Not knowing what to expect but the usual cheesy puffed pastry, I was surprised by how the Beard Papa's suited my taste buds. The bread was crusty not warm, but the cheese filling was a bit chilled and not too sweet. Just right. I tried the chocolate filling too and it was as good. My conclusion is more soes pastries (rest of the world: choux) should be less salty and less sweet, like this.Puffs ordered:>> Cheese Puff>> Biscuit Sheet Puff w/ Chocolate Filling>> Almond Eclair Puff w/Chocolate Filling

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  • herwindhyp


    Choux pastry that is not too sweet, just right. Tried many types but I love the vanilla one the most. Crispy on the outside, sweet and cold on the inside.

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  • destinationnone


    Dari jaman SMA suka banget beli ini di PIM, aku inget dulu harganya masih 9 ribu, sekarang udah 17 ribu. How time flies so fast. Beli 1 pieces yang vanilla puff buat dimakan sambil ngiterin PIM. Rasanya tetep sama, kulitnya garing sama filling nya ga terlalu manis. Overall enak dan aku suka

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