


33 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Fairgrounds, SCBD

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Review Berrywell


33 Ulasan

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  • seanmT7379LY


    First time eating this through G*-F**D. Price wise, I think it’s a bit on the pricey side. Taste was quite good and I kinda wanna try other menu for comparison.

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  • RahadianFirman


    Tempatnya terpencil, which is cool for a private secret date lol 😋 kidding.Waktu pertama dateng bingung mau pesen apa tp pegawai helpful dan ramah buat jelasin menunya. We ordered the green energy smoothie bowl. Enak dan ngenyangin. Price-wise, standard for a smoothie bowl. Around 50-65 ish per bowl.

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    Pinacolada : endolitaaaaaah..asem manis gemesh gmn gtu..fresh bgt pokoknya. Worth lah sama harganya...porsi lumayan banyak bikin kenyang tp g begah.. 👌👌👌

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  • naufal n


    Went here after Saturday morning run at GBK for breakfast. This was my first time to try Berrywell. Located at parking ground Fairground SCBD, but the store designed with cozy and comfy ambience. Smoothies bowls were so yummy and fresh. Cost around 150k for two bowls. Infused waters (lemon and mint) served for free. Definetely will come back here to try another variant of their smoothies bowl. Really love this place, especially for breakfast

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  • calvin2424


    Tempatnya terpencil, rada susah dicarinya. But tempatnya cozy dan instagramable. Disini rada susah sinyalnya karena di basemen mungkin yaa. Tapi disini ada wifi jd masih bisa internetanPesen berrywell signature dan choco chia. Ya pokoknya smoothie bowls nya enak plus ngenyangin, cuman untuk yg choco chia menurut aku kurang berasa coklatnyaDisini juga nyediain semacam lemon water yang bisa direfill sesuka hati

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Lokasi Berrywell

Fairgrounds, SCBD Lot 14, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

Berrywell terletak di Fairgrounds, SCBD Lot 14, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Restaurant di dekat Fairgrounds, SCBD. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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