Bits & Bobs

Bits & Bobs


35 Ulasan


Rp 200.000 / Orang

The Foundry No. 8, SCBD

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Lokasi Bits & Bobs

The Foundry No. 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

Bits & Bobs berlokasikan di The Foundry No. 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 200.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Italia di area The Foundry No. 8, SCBD. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area The Foundry No. 8, SCBD. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Bits & Bobs


35 Ulasan

  • Otapiani03


    Craving for the spaghetti. Yang bener-bener harus coba yg Spaghetti with Meatball, even namanya keliatannya 'gitu aja'. Tapi rasanya lebih dari sekedar 'gitu aja'. Must try! Suasana yg comfy bgt bikin betah lama-lama disana

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  • Adi N


    I've been here once karena penasaran bgt sama green tea lava cakenya. Well i finally tried it and taste good. Actually the foods (mostly we ordered pastas) are great, so do the drinks. The ambiance, wifi, parking area are nice but the waiters... can you please smile to your customers? Apalagi saat diminta tolong buat take some photos of us and plese say something when you wanna take out our empty plates or glasses, sangat disayangkan loh padahal yg lain bernilai plus tp kalo pelayannya ngga ramah kan jd mengurangi nilai..

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  • n0rmaliap


    I have this delicious Tartiflette the last time I ate here. I like how the mushrooms, the beef, the cheese and the sauce were all combined together. The ciabata bread itself was very nice, not too stiff but not that soft either. The dressing of the salad was purrrfect. I love my lunch! :)

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  • Dini S


    The most favourite place for me and my hubby whenever we'd like something good for dinner. Location is convenience, just a walk away from our office (BEI). I personally prefer to eat here rather than go to a restaurant in Pacific Place.Tasty food, wide range of food selections, affordable price, and best of all they have a non smoking area!!!

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  • Yang R


    Been here twice in a week. The food was amazing, looks great in plate and tasted great. The dessert was even better, creme brûlée, green tea lava cake, chocolate lava cake was one of the best dessert I have ever tasted. The drink Green Tini was amazingly fresh.

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