Black Canyon Coffee

Black Canyon Coffee


28 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang

Hotel Ibis Budget Building, Cikini

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Lokasi Black Canyon Coffee

Hotel Ibis Budget Building, Jl. Cikini Raya No. 75, Cikini, Jakarta

Black Canyon Coffee berlokasikan di Hotel Ibis Budget Building, Jl. Cikini Raya No. 75, Cikini, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 150.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Hotel Ibis Budget Building, Cikini. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Hotel Ibis Budget Building, Cikini. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Black Canyon Coffee


28 Ulasan

  • Thorsten B


    Was staying in Ibis Hotel, then at 11pm feeling hungry. Came downstairs ordered Pad Thai, Tom Yum and Crab Cake. The Pad Thai came first after 35mins waiting...!!!!! The pad thai taste great, not so much for the crab cake! The serving service was awful. The table was a little dirty. It looks like they are understaffed.

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  • anayaaa


    Me and my family like this resto, we came here since the hotel still F1 Hotel. We like their tom yum, steaks, dessert and coffee. So basically we are a fan of this resto haha

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  • Rika R


    Aku ngemil lagi nih disini soalnya aku nggak mau makan yang berat berat hehehe takut gendut soalnya aku pesen nya cuman ada 3- ice lemon Tea- pepermint Tea- french friesPokoknya di depan itu ada kolam renang deh pokoknya terus makanan dan minuman lumayan mahal sih hehehe tapi aku nyari nya yang murah-murah aja kok disini aja wifi juga dan yang paling mengerikan adalah banyak nyamuk di Cafe ini langsung deh nyamuk dateng ke Cafe ini nyamuk nya banyak lagi tapi french fries nya udah dateng kokSelamat menikmati ya semua

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  • Yusra Arizana R


    I got nothing to do and I wanted to try a coffee shop in a mall, so I came to this coffee shop to try their coffee creation. I got almost zero expectation because black canyon coffee is not that good, but heck, what's an experience if you only want to try a high-end and awesome coffee shops? So, I came and I was quite amazed with the interior. It was good. So I ordered a cup of cappuccino (44k after tax). It came shortly like 5 mins and it was served with pieces of small crackers, and a shot of jasmine tea. I asked the server about the liquid-y thing on this shot glass, he said that it is a jasmine tea and it could neutralize the acidity of the cappuccino. Well, as far as I know, tea contains caffeine and it's diuretic, same as coffee. I just nodded and tested the jasmine tea after I finished my cappuccino. Tasted the same. Anyway, the cappuccino didn't taste that acid, it's just filled with the richness of milk. But the coffee tasted bitter.Anyway, about the servers (pelayan), they were too busy with their fellow-servers and couldn't keep their mouth shut from cussing like, "Yang meja itu pesen rasa coklat, bego!" Sigh. I know they were joking but still it wasn't a pleasant thing to hear when I was trying to work.

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  • teacherteacher15


    Kebetulan lewat daerah cikini, langsung aja melipir ksini. Ruangan non AC, tp tidak terlalu panas dikarenakan angin alam cukup berhembus. Tmpt terbuka sehingga tidak jarang ditemukan lalat berseliweran. Tmpt duduknya kurang nyaman tuk makan besar. View swimming pool cikini.Makanan order stir fried chicken with cashew nut 35k dan tom yum gong 59k (all exclude tax and service)Minuman order fresh strawberry frost 38k.Overall rasanya cukup lezat (7.5/10)

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