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20 Ulasan



Rp 40.000 / Orang

Ruko Garden House, Pantai Indah Kapuk

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  • travelnusa


    Nice place and nice taste from the dessert make me feel like this place :) Recommend. Overall for the prices and services is nice. Saya pesen Cake original with mapple syrup and black ball asean dessert pake ice cream vanilla :D melt it di mulut awww

  • jonathantoby


    Blackball merupakan salah satu dessert house yang sudah bernama dan mempunyai banyak cabang hampir di setiap lokasi. Khusus lokasi di Pantai Indah Kapuk ini, suasana  yang dihadirkan itu comfy banget. Interiornya bertema warna hitam-putih seperti logo icon panda nya. Ada 2 lantai, dan ada banyak tempat duduknya. Plus ada 1 tempat duduk yang bermodel seperti tatami dan sangat bagus :)--Untuk rasa Blackball jelas sudah pasti enak dan terkenal di banyak kalangan juga. Karena ada banyak lokasi jadi tidak terlalu ramai. Harga sedang dan pelayanan juga baik. Wi-fi available jadi bikin betah buat nongkrong disini. Variasi dessert nya juga beragam, dan tidak hanya dessert, Blackball juga menyajikan makan berat lainnya.Yang saya suka dari tempat PIK ini adalah lighting ruangannya yang sangat nyaman dan interiornya juga.--AMBIENCE : 9/10PRICE : 8/10SERVICE : 8/10FOOD : 8/10

  • anciselly


    The dessert hype in PIK is definitely intense right now, but I've come to like the corner dessert shop, Blackball. Aside from the fact that it offers ranges of dessert, I'm particularly fond of its Qballs. These tapioca balls are tough to contain balance in chewiness n flavour. Some dessert places hv Qballs that hv too much flour which taste awful, but luckily not in Blackball. Easy to find parking too!

  • titoes2016


    Best chinese dessert in Jakarta. Everytime, anywhere, somehow the taste is consistently good. The place is pretty, parking ample, the snacks are healthy, and the grass jelly, pearl, seeet potato ball, were all of high quality. For a health nut like myself this is the guilt free dessert I could eat everyday. Well done Blackball. The Blackball at Malaysia and Singapore are also consistently good. They must've gotten their material from one source.

  • WingP52


    Blackball dessert taiwan. Yg demen kayak bau2 liang teh gt sih pasti suka dessert disini. Letak nya diujing ruko. Agak sepi tp tetap asyik koq buat nongkrong.. view nya jg keren

  • PeppyWahab


    During weekend evening almost every dessert place in PIK is full of people, sometimes you need to queue for over an hour! But this one weren't much people eating. not because they are lousy, they are OK, even though they are not the best dessert eating place. Tried the qvomaltine waffle. And a couple of other Taiwanese desserts. I came with 8 other people. We ask for extra bowl & share a little bit of everything. A good place to hang out in PIK area, especially the parking, in this area is more forgiving compared to other dessert place.

  • Berylskid97


    Pro: tempat nya adem, not smelly. Nice decorations. Enough seats. Matcha ice cream is not so bad. Cons: Banyak yg out of stock and salah-salah order. Slow response.

  • amanda m


    Cobain kesini buat nongky2.. Sengaja pesan yg ini soalnya unyuu bgtt.. Pakai oreo minis trus dibentuk panda. Isinya ada mochi, ogura, vanilla ice cream, dan es serut. es serutnya lembuutt bgt dan terasa susunya. Cute and yummyy!!

  • rolansihombing


    Blackball is one of my favorite asian dessert place. I also love the fact that they're now serving smaller portion You get to choose Regular or Small portion. That way you don't have to gag yourself with a bowlfull of dessert after having a full meal, especially when you have nobody to share a big bowl with. I know that girls always have room for dessert, but we must realize that sometimes that room is just not big enough. And not to mention that it's more economical. I still have another favorite of mine: Honey Bean in PIK (just on the other opposite end of the "ruko"). However since blackball is available in several shopping malls, it's still one of my go to place. Good quality dessert. My favorite is from their grass-jelly selection.PS. I have tried their Q-fle (waffle) but I don't like it :|

  • Ratnasarrii


    Iseng nyobain blackball atas rekomen dari temen. Jatoh pilihan ke es yang lucu bentuknya. Overall blackball ini seperti dessert house lainnya ada keunikan bentuk masing2 tp blackball ini less sweet ketimbang dessert house lainnya. So klo suka yg tidak terlalu manis, blackball boleh didatengin.

Lokasi BlackBall

BlackBall terletak di Ruko Garden House, Blok A, Bukit Golf Mediterania, Jl. Raya Pantai Indah Kapuk, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Taiwan di dekat Ruko Garden House, Pantai Indah Kapuk. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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