Boka Buka

Boka Buka


32 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Boka Buka

Jl. Cipete Raya No. 1, Fatmawati, Jakarta

Boka Buka berlokasikan di Jl. Cipete Raya No. 1, Fatmawati, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 175.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Perancis di area Fatmawati. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Fatmawati. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Boka Buka


32 Ulasan

  • maria77821


    Well, for the first sight, i never thinkin it was french resto, cause the name not really representate. And it was for the first time, i tried french food. I cant say much, and i cant compare to other french resto. I tried, Escargot, Chicken Ratatouille, and the recommended one (cause the servant said so) Classic, Chicken Butter Rise. For the price, i can say its medium well, the i love the ambience of the place. So homey. And the servant really nice.

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  • Ligita15


    it was love at first sight, and taste. when it comes to the food, they really mean it ! i love the staff, all of them. they were very friendly and even always be excited to help my boyfriend arrange the romantic dinner for the two of us on a special occasion. 5 outa 5 !!

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  • johncarolineee


    Escargotnya enak. Rasanya pas banget. Menurut saya, dari beberapa escargot yg saya coba di jakarta, yang ini paling mirip sama yang aslinya di perancis. Spaghetti spicy tuna aglio olio nya juga enak. Saya memang minta pedas. Mungkin kalo ngga suka pedas agak kepedasan sih. Dapat welcome drink dan complimentary bread.

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  • ManngaDua


    I came here hungry and I was not dissapointed. They have good quality food and a good selection. Although I only had the lasagna below (75 idr) that single portion was enough to fill me up. If you aren't a heavy eater only get 1 course. I tried bits of my friends chicken ratatouille and chicken breast with onion and ginger, both of which were chock-full of flavor and texture. The lasagna was a bit weird after 3/4ths of a portion. The staff were so nice and welcoming and the outdoor area is the best place to eat in the afternoon. I will come back.

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  • Vivi_Eka


    Untung ada yang bayarin, akhirnya ke sini juga. Justru restoran ini yang paling gua inget gambar2 di piringnya. Keren. Jadi pas makanan dateng, steaknya gua kasih temen trus gua memandangi piringnya sambil meneteskan air mata.

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