
Born Ga Express


37 Ulasan


Rp 65.000 / Orang

Emporium Pluit Mall, Penjaringan

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Review Born Ga Express


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  • ArdiB90


    "To be honest, kinda disappointing."I love Korean Food, i really am, and when noticing there is Born Ga Express on emporium, i was hoping that it will taste the same as what i ate back in PIK's Born Ga. I should not have that mentalityPutting aside that though, let me review Born Ga Express, a korean food outlet in Emporium Pluit Mall. Now, first of all, one thing I that i am most disappointed is, the lack of menu variety, and the fact that we have to add 8000 more in addition of kimchi, one of my favourite Korean side dish. Kimchi is a staple in Korean cuisine and the fact that we get sauerkraut salad instead of it, made my heart sank a bit. Other than that, is the fact that out menu choice is limited, and it is divided on four sets (as seen in website Menu), kinda wish they have more, as there are a lot of side dishes selections back in the real Born Ga establishment. Secondly, the food, this time I am eating alone and the restaurant's saving grace is that they have a "single" portion, a hefty, hearthy one at that. As it made me full, really full. Set D itself comprised of many side dishes such as; spicy Stir fry chicken and vegs, japchae, tteopokki as well as spicy squid stir fry. The food itself is very delicious, except for the chicken. Chicken does not feel hot at all, not even warm (there is no blood though) as well as it's not cubed, but rather in the form of wings, which does not represent the single servings well, because again, you are eating in a bowl and not a plate, and it's not easy at all to achieve it. Lastly, we also receive tea, korean ocha, which i need to warned people who wanted to discover korean cuisine that it will have an acquired taste, a smoky aftertaste, which i really enjoy. Other dissapointment i have with the restaurant is that they don't have korean gochujang, and only seen sambal available in their counter. In the end, for me, Born Ga express does not defy my expectation at all, we get what we get for 45k but sadly, for an outlet's quality, a significantly lower quality. For me, a good express may be cheaper and change is understandable to create profit, but at least they need the soul of the home restaurant, a hot meal and what makes the restaurant authentic. If you want to try the real born ga, and not just the average express, i recommend the real born ga in PIK they have great atmosphere, great services as well as great food with a variety of menu to choose from (and great dipping sauces). For me, Born Ga Express is just well, a run off the mill food court restaurant.

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  • Jussi R


    Stall ini sepertinya udah update menu jadi beda lagi, pls for situs web bisa diupdate ulang menunya, set menunya udah beda lagi soalnya.Terakhir kesini jadi nyobain Ala Carte nya which was :- JapchaeMie manis khas korea nya Bornga memang juara enaknya. Kekenyalan sama rasanya pas banget. Teksturnya mirip kaya Soun gitu. Pokoknya wajib pesen.- Sweet and Spicy ChickenAyam goreng korea ini menurut gw enak juga. Manis, agak garing dan rasanya juga oke.Ambience dan Servicenya standar Foodcourt saja.Kamsahamnida 😀

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  • Tri M


    Menu born ga express yg skrg ud beda ama yg dulu. situs web blm update nih menunya. Enakan yg dulu krn ad ukuran2nya skrg menunya buat sendiri2 gt. Pesen menu paket yg isinya nasi, salad, beef ama japchae. Enak sih yah standar lah harganya kaya makanan di mall biasa sekitar 50k. Pesen jg tambahan sup telur seharga 5k cm rasanya tawar bgt.

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  • Muhmad_irvan


    Enak sih harganya menjangkau dan bisa makan rame" (karena porsinya banyak bisa diliat di foto). Suka banget makan ayam gorengnya. Untuk tempat di foodcourt jadi agak kurang nyaman. Tapi untuk makanan boleh dicoba bareng" ;-)

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  • suhartiniyusuf


    Kebetulan di empo makanan koreanya dikit akhirnya kita milih born ga express, sebelumnya jg nggk pernah nyobain ternyata makanannya lumayan enak, porsinya gede dan harganya jg cukup oke, gak overprice. Anw suka banget sama kimchi disni 😁

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Lokasi Born Ga Express

Emporium Pluit Mall, Lantai 4, Food Court, Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, Penjaringan, Jakarta

Born Ga Express terletak di Emporium Pluit Mall, Lantai 4, Food Court, Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, Penjaringan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Korea di dekat Emporium Pluit Mall, Penjaringan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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