Burgreens Organic Eatery

Burgreens Organic Eatery


34 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Burgreens Organic Eatery

Jl. Flamboyan No. 19, Rempoa, Bintaro, Jakarta 15412

Burgreens Organic Eatery berlokasikan di Jl. Flamboyan No. 19, Rempoa, Bintaro, Jakarta 15412. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 125.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Bintaro. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Bintaro. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Burgreens Organic Eatery


34 Ulasan

  • Icikindo


    I’m going to go in a different direction for this post compared to my other posts so far. I want to talk about my favourite topic – food! I’m a huge website! I love trying different types of food, I can literally spend hours browsing recopies on the internet, carefully choosing the best ones to try and make or browsing restaurant review sites to find new places to eat.

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  • Nani S


    Kesini belum lama, berhubung datangnya malam jadi tempatnya lagi sepi banget (karena tempatnya juga masuk kedalem ya). Pesan strawberry cheese cake, cakenya enak sama fresh mint tea nya segar bgt. Pelayannya ramah ya, gak lama juga buat kita tunggu pesanan datang.

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  • sintaistiany


    Cute little green eatery with calming ambience, although some flies might try to disrupt your eating experience (but not in such a horrendous manner that they might make you want to flip the table). The waiters and waitresses were friendly and helpful.This was my first time eating veggie dishes and they were surprisingly delicious. I would recommend the mini veggie burgers and the matah salad. The ricepaper roll tasted quite unique too.Would bounce myself back here to try other tempting dishes.

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  • Efredi_Trg


    Udah keliatan ya dari nama tempatnya kalau ini tempat makan dengan konsep healthy food yang bener-bener healthy dan ga nanggung-nanggung! Kesini pesan pumpkin chocolate "cake" 😆 dan green monster yg berguna untuk weight loss juga hihi. Abis makan disini langsung berasa sehat bgt deh pokonya hehehe. Tempatnya super enak karna super adem banget banyak pepohonan. Good place with super good food is such a great combination! Kapan-kapan iseng coba cateringnya juga deh hihi

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  • YuyuKangkang


    Holy friggin alfalfa! Where do start for Burgreens?Okay, so I've heard about this place since 2012 or 2013, but I haven't got the chance to try this place. So I went there with my girlfriend on April 2016. The place was pretty hidden and obscure so it was a bit hard to reach. But once we got there, it was all worth it. The place was cozy and quiet. We were greeted by a really friendly senior staff. We ordered some burger, rice bowl, and cakes for dessert. We also ordered some glasses of mixed juice to wash them down.Suffice to say, everything was phenomenal. The rice, the satay, the burger patty, and especially the chocolate cake won our happy tummies. Price was pretty high for an eatery in Jakarta, but it was really, really worth both the price and effort to get there.

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