Burgreens Organic Eatery

Burgreens Organic Eatery


32 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Burgreens Organic Eatery

Organik Klub, Jl. Tebet Barat Raya No. 49C, Tebet, Jakarta

Burgreens Organic Eatery berlokasikan di Organik Klub, Jl. Tebet Barat Raya No. 49C, Tebet, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 125.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Tebet. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Tebet. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Burgreens Organic Eatery


32 Ulasan

  • liyana1987


    Ordered raw mushroom noodle with tempe bacon wrap via website. All I could say is that this is delicious. Served with sweet potato chips on the side. Loving the seasoned mushroom so much that put the needed savoury kicks in the fresh veggies mix. Yummy and filling. Interestingly portion of the fillings may vary tho, so take your pick and try out your luck. Raw strawberry cheesecake also not bad, interesting when you realize this is a vegan healthy dessert. Lovin their nutty base.

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  • Yulia W


    Today me and Rinaldy Rachman visited Burgreens Organic Eatery for lunch.The location is absolutely lovely, little lanterns hanging from a roof, wooden seats and tables followed by fans for humid days like today. (:The menu couldn't be cuter and precise, they put a lot of effort in the design, I can tell as an artist. The hardest part was actually to find a dish knowing I just had space for one meal in my tummy, but so many vegan options to chose from.I am vegetarian, trying to become a vegan step by step and this place will definitely make this easier to happen.The STAFF could speak English which is definitely a bonus and they were so so friendly.I felt welcome and comfortable, couldn't be any better.We had to wait quite a bit, but guys, trust me it is worth it !The price is more than fine for what you get and the portion was perfect the way it was, I couldn't even finish and brought the rest home.I had a Kambucha and the Crispy Tofu Teriyaki Salad with a side of avocado and vegan omelette, my friend had the Tempeh Gomashio and coconut water.My tummy couldn't be more grateful and happy for this food.You feel so good and full of energy, ready to go and make the most of your day, all the ingredients are well-picked, extremely fresh and super healthy.This food was art, love and happiness at the same time for me, WE WILL DEFINITELY COME BACK !Hands up, 5/5 guys, you deserve it.xxxxxxxxxxx

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  • saripurnama1994


    Its too fkg good i almost hate it lol.Canda deng.Em. Sayangnya, karena terlalu excited, saya ngga jeli dan lgsg sembarang pesen yg sering dipesen org--i order mini trio WITHOUT asking to mfkg veganized it. I thought its all vegan. Shame on me.Tp yasudahlah.Yg penting i gotta tell everyone tht it tase so DELICIOUS YOU WONT REGRET IT U HEAR ME BRUHenak bgt... I jst hv no idea how they could discover such...recipes.Might too expensive for broke student. but..later u wud probably confuse urself bcs u can feel it is actually fkg worth it.

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  • Yennylukes


    Honestly my number one favourite spot to eat. Such a cute and comfy place to enjoy delicious and healthy lunch. The burgers are to die for. The best vegetarian / vegan eatery in town💕

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  • Tua356865


    Tempat favorit saya buat makan sehat. Selain karna deket sama rumah, pilihan menu yang ditawarkan juga banyak. Anyways, kemarin saya take away 3 makanan:1. Banana Choco CaramelVegan smoothies yang ngenyangin! Rasanya manis tapi gak berlebihan. Banana-nya sangat terasa, chocolate-nya juga namun kayaknya saya gak begitu 'ngeh' ada rasa caramel-nya.2. PB Caramel Brownie.First time nyoba cake di sini (biasanya mesen salad/Tempeh Gomashio). Pas saya beli, waitress-nya kalo gak salah bilang ke saya kalo ini dibuat gakpake telur. 😱 dan ini best seller kalo untuk dessert. Pas saya coba bener-bener enak! Saya jadi bingung sama orang-orang yang bilang kalo makanan orang vegan pasti gak ada rasanya. 😂 manis, bener-bener gak percaya kalo kita lagi makan vegan dessert soalnya rasanya gak kalah enak sama cake biasa. 🤤3. Sweet potato chips.Buat yang pengen ngemil-ngemil without feeling guilty mending beli ini. Packaging-nya bagus, chips-nya gak bakal masuk angin karena tempatnya bisa ditutup lagi, jadi chips ini bisa dibawa anytime & anywhere. Di dalemnya di kasih spice kayak Bon Cabe (optional) jadi kalo yang pengen rasanya ada pedes-pedes dikit bisa masukin spice-nya, tutup kantongnya, di shake biar bumbu spice-nya merata. Overall tempat ini selalu top dari dulu menurut saya kalo untuk masalah makanan sehat. Tempatnya cozy + waitress-nya ramah dan cekatan. Untuk next mungkin pengen nyoba makan Spaghetti di sini. 🤤

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