Cafe Safari

Cafe Safari


5 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Cafe Safari

Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 88, Gandaria, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi
  • Masjid

Cafe Safari berlokasikan di Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 88, Gandaria, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 175.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 11:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Barat di area Gandaria. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Gandaria. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Cafe Safari


5 Ulasan

  • justordinarylife


    the place was near gandaria city. i ordered sirloin steak. the sauce was fantastic. the place was cozy. definitely would come back again any time soon.

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  • 247patrikc


    Cafe safari letaknya di jln KH Ahmad Dahlan depan labschool kebayoran. Kalo ke cafe safari harus banget mesen steaknya enak banget. Disana juga ada live music dan bisa nyanyi juga pengunjungnya. Cafe safari juga enak buat acara kumpul sama temen temen atau acara reuni gitu juga enak.

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  • yodaricdenvi


    The place is comfortable, the waiters are polite. But the place is too crowded if we want to make party or mini events. But over all the food taste was good enough.

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  • stephanschreini


    one of the great gathering or reunion places in Gandaria or even in South Jakarta i think. What makes me like this place are :1. They have a proper Musholla2.They have live music facility, so we can singing like in karaoke jam together, and it's fun3. their unique classic interior mix with night club lighting and it's hahahah i don't know, different.. 😀 but it's good4. exactly enough portion for Indonesian "big bites" persons like me and my family for example and the taste of their menu overall is quite good (chicken steak and mashed potato, special fried rice, tom yam soup, fried noodle, chicken snitzel) 👍5. their service is good too bcs this place provided quite lots of staff to serve us as a guess6. and the price is competitive with other restaurant or cafe that provides gathering or reunion service package bcz with about 100k u already get a welcome drink, 1 appetizer soup, 1 selected main course (the options are the menu which i ordered and said it's good above), and one scoop ice cream for dessert.and, move to what points i think that has to be improve are:1. their parking area which is small2. their lighting set to be a little brighter3. their service of their steak's sauce choices bcs actually when i ordered chicken steak and ask for berbeque sauce instead of black pepper they won't let it, meanwhile it'll be very cool and great if they can accept it like at the other steak house..4. their price is reasonable enough for an event like reunion or gathering but i think not for just hangout with one or two friends because the a la carte price can be categorized as high rate place5. their place name is Cafe safari but when I tasted their iced cafe latte it tasted just so so, so it will be better if they have a better taste of coffee bcs nowadays coffee is one of peoples major need LOL..

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  • Wulan65


    Tempat nya sangat unik dan nyaman, ada live musik nya, melainkan menu makanan nya enak2 semua, soal harga relative ga bikin kantong jebol ko😬

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