Chicken Run

Chicken Run


32 Ulasan


Rp 65.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Chicken Run

Jl. Senopati Raya No. 27, Senopati, Jakarta

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Chicken Run berlokasikan di Jl. Senopati Raya No. 27, Senopati, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 65.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 12:00 - 20:00 dan merupakan Barbekyu di area Senopati. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Senopati. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Chicken Run


32 Ulasan

  • 23asepp


    I went here for my saturday night dinner and yes we (me and my boyfriend) did it on purpose because we missed chicken run so much since we've been in jakarta for about 4 days. you guys might be wondering why we missed chicken run so much right? so let me tell you something.ive tried chicken run before, for the first time and it was in Bali. the taste of the chicken run in bali is SOOOOOOOOOO YUMMY and it almost tasted like Nandos. on the last day of my vacay in Bali, i asked the man who works at chicken run "Mas, please dong buka chicken run di Jakarta. pasti laku banget deh! kaya disini", and then he replied "ada kok mba, di mana gitu... saya lupa. nanti mbak search aja di google"WoWheavenonearthso when i head myself to the hotel, i searched and i found it. theres a couple of Chicken Run around jakarta and its some kind of a good news for me. So, i went to the Chicken Run in Tebet (Sleepless Tebet) and sorry for making a review in here because theres no Chicken Run Tebet in the website. When i went there, its kinda lonely like there wasnt a bunch of person even tho its saturday night but i dont mind that shit. I just go directly to the Chicken Run and looked at the menu. Menunya gak sebanyak yang di Bali but that was OK.So i ordered some quarter chicken and the waitress told me to choose some sauce. theres a bunch of sauce and you have to pick one... I was searching for some "bumbu" that they gave me when i was in Bali but i could find it. So i just choose the Extra Spicy sauce and my boyfriend ordered the black pepper sauce and for some extra, i want some bumbu that they had in their grilled machine. When i ate it... the chicken wasnt as good as the one in Bali and it wasnt that yummy. The chicken is even hasnt cooked yet, masih ada darah nya gitu... Jadi matang luarnya aja. So... Sorry for the bad rate because it wasnt like i was hoping and please get the same menu and sauce like the one in Bali.

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  • Climber825099


    Beli paket whole combo dari situs web, katanya dapat dua sauce, tp dicharge tambahan sauce 15rb. Sauce tetep cmn 2. Ditulis dapat fried mushroom, tp ga dapet. No konfirmasi, your service sucks

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  • Dobig M


    The grilled chicken is tenderly cooked. The Rp30 thousand price of a quarter chicken is fair enough. Takeaway is the best way to enjoy since the dine in venue is too small.

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  • Vinayakbs


    Saya mencicipi menu dengan ukuran quarter, porsinya cukup dengan side dish jamur goreng dan baked potato, Untuk teknik memasak mereka memasaknya dengan sangat baik, kulit ayam yang renyah dan daging ayam yang masih tender dan juicy adalah hal yang patut anda coba ketika anda ke sini. Note : Sulit untuk mencari lahan parkir di sini, lebih baik datang dengan kendaraan roda dua atau delivery

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  • Firman H


    In a hot Sunday afternoon, we took away its rotiserie and sandwich. They are surpisingly not bad. Indeed the rotiserie was good. The chicken was already fatless but yet retained its moist. The taste was just right, not bland or too salty. You can also try its sriracha or super spicy sauce to dip it.

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