CJ's Bar - Hotel Mulia

CJ's Bar - Hotel Mulia


26 Ulasan


Rp 200.000 / Orang

Hotel Mulia, Senayan

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Lokasi CJ's Bar - Hotel Mulia

Hotel Mulia, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta

CJ's Bar - Hotel Mulia berlokasikan di Hotel Mulia, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 200.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Minuman di area Hotel Mulia, Senayan. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Hotel Mulia, Senayan. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review CJ's Bar - Hotel Mulia


26 Ulasan

  • tedd_el


    "Has Been"This place used to have great live music and was the place to go and to bring out of town guests to. Getting a table was so difficult and the staff had an attitude. Service started to fall little by little and the customers stopped going. Now what's left of CJ's are overpriced drinks and a bunch of tired old hookers.

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  • TBsyd


    Just got back from there. Too many prostitutes and just because my skintone, they thought I am one of the prosty. The cocktail was terrible and is too pricey. The waiters not friendly. There is this one girl named Siska, I asked her if I can charge my phone because my batt is low and I need to call my driver later to go home. She said the all the electricity plugs are full, while I can see clearly there are more than 2 plugs are available there. Wtf!? Definitely not going back to this place again.

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  • cktama


    I'm not much of a live band fan but I should say that the live band in CJs have always impressed me. Have been going to CJs since the late 90s, from when it was a normal club till it became a pick up joint, however it's always a fun place to go. YES the drinks are rather comparatively pricy. You get good service if you have a table but very difficult if you don't. One thing that really irritates me is you have to pay Rp1,000,000 just to get a table. You end up getting TAKE AWAY GOODIES such as a whole moon cake, a stuff toy, A take away coffee mug and 3 plates of appetizer samplers to eat there. Which I should say is Good but so so NOT NEEDED. However, once you come into that crowded club and desperate of some good service and some space to move, then you have no choice but to take the table :D haha

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  • Aditya P


    Kalau weekdays nyari entertainment, live music, tempatnya rame, hotel bar bisa jadi pilihannya. Dulu seminggu bisa bbrp kali ke sini. Skrg udah jarang. Pelayannya semua ramah-ramah.. Minuman favorite yaitu Cendana dulu kt waiternya 13 liquor di mixed jadi satu, tapi trkhr ktny 18/19 macam liquor yg di mixed. Keras bgt ati2 minumnya cepet bikin tipsy 😜 +/- IDR 250.000

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  • Dario B


    Sebagai penghuni baru area Jakarta, gue termasuk yang agak kurang info soal club2 tersembunyi di sini. Maksudnya club2 yg ada di dalam hotel. Gue baru tau kalo di hotel ini ada clubnya, waktu itu diajakin temen. Gue sempet mikir kalo beberapa club di dalam hotel kadang ada yg rame, ada juga yg ngga. Dan untuk club di sini terbilang rame sama foreigner. Ya ada sih beberapa orang lokal tapi rata2 cewek. Gue lumayan terhibur banget sama musiknya karena beberapa musiknya gue suka. Pengen sih nyoba ke sini lagi tapi harus ada partnernya nih.

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