Coffee Beanstro
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Coffee Beanstro


24 Ulasan



Rp 150.000 / Orang

Kota Kasablanka, Tebet

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Review Coffee Beanstro


24 Ulasan

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  • Prisca D


    best place for u who likes to hang out with your friends.this is different from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf because the food's menu is more than coffee bean. delicious, i like it!

  • Samuel F


    Poor service! Gue dibikin bolak balik kasir dan meja beberapa kali. Waitressnya gak ramah sama sekali. Minuman datengnya lama, eh setelah dateng rasanya mengecewakan. Green tea ice blended gak berasa green teanya sama sekali, cuma berasa kaya minum plain milk dengan whipped cream yang aneh. What a shame. Ice caramel lattenya dengan harga arround 50k exclude tax but completely nothing special. Won't come back even you give discount promo .

  • Priandhika D


    Kalo lagi ke Kokas saat tanggal tua tapi tetap mau makan enak, saya pasti ke sini. Karena saya pengguna Mega Card, dan selalu dapat diskon 50% setelah pembelian 250k (sebelum service & tax). Lumayan banget khaaan.Porsi makan di sini relatif banyak. Sayuran yang digunakan selalu fresh dan gendut-gendut. Tapi ada beberapa menu yang rasa bumbunya sama, misalnya steak & ayam. Menurut saya wajar sih ya, karena kekuatan Coffee Bean kan ada di beverage bukan food.Tempat ini juga cozy buat kerja sambil laptop-an. Tapi sayangnya ga ditunjang oleh wifi yang memadai. Jadi saya selalu tethering dari HP sendiri. But that's okay. Karena saya kalo kerja di luar emang butuh tempat yang lebih sunyi dan temaram. Susah banget kan nyari tempat makan yang sunyi di Kokas (walaupun dalam keadaan ramai pengunjung).

  • Indrachandra


    I just realized The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is here in Kokas. And I just realize they have new restaurant business beside coffee shop.But this time I just want to have my cup of coffee. I hesitated a little bit to order some food. Anyway, I just check on the coffee, to see if they are stiil good. So I ordered black coffee and cappuccino for my wive. And it was great, they stiill have it, they are good.Next time I will order some food here, as the place itself is seriously comforting.Cheers

  • D4ffy0911


    Coffee Beanstro ini pilihan menu minuman dan makanannya lebih banyak dari The Coffee Bean and Tea leaf. Di sini saya pesan :*Hudson river's Fish & chips (80k) - Deep fried battered fish dory dengan french fries dan sauted veggies dan tartar sauce. Porsinya tidak terlalu besar, rasanya cukup enak juga.*Cakalang roll (48k) - Pie Puff ini ukurannya cukup besar.Isinya cakalang dengan saus rica, rasanya sedikit pedas dan gurih. Meskipun tidak begitu berasa taste cakalang Manado yang autentik, tapi enak juga dan cukup mengenyangkan.*Chai Tea Latte (45k) - ini my all time fave chai tea latte in town. Suka banget...dari pertama Coffee bean buka di Jkt sering banget pesan ini. Tapi kali ini lupa minta less sugar jadi agak kemanisan.*Hot Morrocon Mint Tea (39k) - tehnya disajikan di glass tea pot dan rasa mintnya sangat menyegarkan.Saya pasti akan kembali lagi karena masih penasaran dengan menu2 lainnya.

  • kendriSupriadi


    kalo bisa ngasih rating 0 bakal dikasih 0 deh, seriously, the food is so so and the service is so bad.datang kesana tanggal 26 des 16 sekitar jam 4 sore, emang udah penuh jadi kita waiting list untuk 3 orang, dan kita tunggu sekitar sana *karena ga ada area buat nunggunya* ternyata pas mau cek lagi tiba2 udah ada ibu2 yang nyerobot antrian kita dan main masuk aja dan duduk di kursi yg kosong, ketika protes bilangnya adalah dia udah nunggu duluan, padahal jelas2 baru masuk setelah saya, dan saya jelasin saya udah waiting list tadi, dengan santainya dia bilang kalo tadi ga di tulis... just that ga ada minta maaf ato apa terus ga ada urusin lagi ato apa, dan akhirnya protes lagi ke mba2 yang tadi ambil antrian waiting list saya terus dengan entengnya dia bilang kalo itu ibu2 sembarangan masuk aja di depan mba2 satu lagi yg tadi bilang kalo dia udah nungguin dan setelah itu juga ga ada penyelesaian apa2 kita ditinggal gitu bad service indeed. untuk makanan dengan harga segitu yang ga terlalu enak datengnya juga lama, serius deh mendingan ga usah kesana.

  • gaga_antariksa


    Coffee bean satu ini beda dari coffee bean biasanya... di ubah konsepnya semacam bistro gtQt pesen di meja ga di kasirnya, menu makanannya jg jd lbh banyak , nemenin suami ngopi sblm dy berjibaku nyupirin qt2 org balik ke rmh hahahahha mgkn ngantrin karna gw mw nongki di resto lain

  • FajrinHerris


    Dinner time was full here. With their promo for using Mega Credit Card to receive 50% to their foods and drinks, I was stuffed. Service is quick, meal prepped efficiently and well-presented. Staff is kind and quick in taking orders from many customers.The only downside is that the restaurant is tight in space. My friends and I brought a baby with her stroller and there is not enough space to move around. Luckily, our stroller didn't bother another customer.

  • faozanrizal


    Nahh coffee bean nih udah buka banyak banget cabang di Indonesia. Waktu itu saya cobain: 1. Cakalang Roll: Ini lucu deh, awalnya merasa aneh, semacam kayak croissant tapi diisi ikan cakalang.. Eeh ternyata pas dimakan lumayan enak juga loh! Cakalangnya ga berbau eneg gitu dan pastrynya enak crispy and flaky!2. Green tea Cappuccino: Hmm saya emang kurang suka green tea sih jadi kurang bisa kasih opini yang objective.. Tapi anyway, menurut saya ini greenteanya terlalu creamy/milky dan muanis banget, jadi agak eneg gitu minumnya..3. Chicago Cheesecake: Wahhhh ini MUST TRY bangett! Kejunya enakk so cheesy and creamy bisa makan banyakk! 4. Ultimate ice blend (65k++): Nahh ini minumannya emang di-design bagi yang ga terlalu suka kopinya strong.. Lebih ke chocolate gitu sih.. Tapiii, yang unik adalah mereka ngeblender biji kopinya! Sehingga jadi ada crunchy texture dan meski minuman cenderung coklat, tapi kopinya masih kerasa! Klo kesini, menu uniknya sih minuman ini hehe

  • trisni12bhinekawati


    Coffee Bean has been (it rhymes nicely lol) one of the most favorite spots for people to hang out, to have a meeting, or even just to work by yourself. They also have some restaurants, which they call it as Beanstro (Stands for Coffee Bean Bistro maybe?). One of them are in Kota Kasablanka.The store was quite wide, but doesn't really go deep inside. It's like most of the space are used for their kitchen. But the ambience itself was quite nice. I don't know during weekdays, but it opens for breakfast during Sundays. Another thing is that although they open at early morning, they're ready to serve all the menus available (unless if the ingredients are out if stock). Thus, if one day you opt for a heavy breakfast, they're more than happy to serve you.For the starters, I ordered one of their soups called Granny's Favorite. It's a corn chowder soup, served with a homemade garlic bread placed on top of it. The taste was not bad, more to a sweet, corn-y flavor. I personally liked it, but it would be better if you add a few shakes of black pepper to rich up the taste. My girlfriend ordered their Mushroom Soup, which was also quite good. The taste was a little blunt, but texture wise was nice. Adding a few pinches of salt and black pepper would also help to rich up the taste.We also ordered their Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, which we thought was similar to the usual Coffee Bean Caesar Salad. It's mostly the same, but the chicken was different. The one we usually had uses slices of chicken being distributed to the salad, the one here, uses grilled chicken breast fillet. It tastes great, and the texture itself was smooth and slightly fibrous. Other than that, the dressing from the Beanstro salad was also more watery than the one we usually had, but taste-wise was similar though, with other Coffee Bean Caesar Salads.I also tried their Affogatto and Warm Chocolate Muffin. The Affogatto was quite similar with other Affogattos I've tried before. But the ice cream was too little in my opinion, they could've add more. The espresso shot was strong though, enough to keep you pumping for a few hours. We had the Warm Chocolate Muffin to share. I love the texture and the overall taste. The chocolate was tasty and the molten filling inside was brilliant, although it could be even better of they put more filling.For the drinks, I tried my girlfriend's Genmaicha Green Tea. It's refreshing, and has this nutty-kinda flavor. While for myself, I had their Swiss Mocha Latte. The taste itself was dominated by chocolate flavor. So if you're expecting more coffee, please ask for an extra shot. But for me, it tasted just fine.Coffee Bean is known to be one of the more financially-unfriendly coffee shop. But if you happen to have Bank Mega credit cards, you can have a discount for up to 50% (trust me this is not a promotion or whatsoever). They're both under the same managing company, so yes, it's a total win for those cardholders. All of the above, with some other stuffs that aren't listed, should costs IDR 634k. But since I am lucky enough to have the credit card, IDR 317k is the amount that I paid. Not bad huh?

Lokasi Coffee Beanstro

Coffee Beanstro terletak di Kota Kasablanka, Lantai Ground, Jl. Casablanca Raya, Tebet, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kopi di dekat Kota Kasablanka, Tebet. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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