Colette & Lola
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Colette & Lola


39 Ulasan



Rp 105.000 / Orang

Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah

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Review Colette & Lola


39 Ulasan

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  • harry_set92


    To me, having a piece of cake is real pleasure. And if you're lucky enough, it brings back mood and energy to life. And thank God this Monday night I stepped in Colette & Lola. This cake house truly gave me an experience and impression like no other cake houses.Three major words to describe this spot; Girly, Cute and Pink. It feels like I were the Ken playing in a barbie house. All the furniture and decoration supports the theme. Like old people said, "To survive in a business world, a resto/cafe must be unique. And this cake house has what it takes to be distinguished and unique. The hospitality is nice and so is the cake. I love the way they showcase the cakes. So tidy and beautiful. I ordered Ovo Milo as the waiter's recommendation. The cake has some layers insides and covered by crispy layer that is made of ovomaltine. When you tear it apart, it cracks. And when you put on your mouth, the combination between the soft cake layer and the crispy layer gives a certain texture in every bite. Tasty Tasty Tasty. It is just so good. I have to admit, I can't get enough one cake. Moreover, the different experience I have "like you have a tea party at Barbie's house" is something new for me. At the end of the day, I had to pay 45K for the cake. I definitely would go back again to taste another cake. They have lychee cake and choco cheese cake. I'd love to have a bite all of them. By then, I wish that those cakes can be my charm to bring back my energy at weekdays.

  • zrezhia


    order online, saya sangat kecewa! unacceptable service! really bad experience dengan staff CS: Jessica dan Ida. bicara tidak sopan, seenaknya membentak customer. CS macam apa ngajak debat dan berantem??? CS= customer service. service apa ini? service menghina dan kasar terhadap pelanggan? mana etikanya? i paid for this! saya bayar dan saya customer anda! jangan semena-mena aja seenaknya ngomong dan bentak2 customer. hidup dari customer kok malah customer diperlakukan begini.. dimana2 ga ada customer diinjak2! remember that! baru kali ini, entah ajaran apa berkomunikasi buruk dan kasar seperti itu? customer minta solusi malah diajak debat. i wont buy from colette lola anymore. not recommended. very very very dissapointed. seberapa enak produk yg dijual, kalau servicenya 0 begini, SAMA AJA BOHONG!!!

  • fpranoto


    My favourite menu: rose macaroon. I’m a rose lover so expect me to love this flavour. Overall sweet nice , smells so rosey 🌹❤️Es teler cake: well if u like es teler then ya it’s good. And one of their best seller. I think they have nice flavour but not the best texture for cakes. They are less soft, a bit stiff somehow (or frozen maybe?). But smells pretty nice.Price: quite affordable compared to other patisserie. Interior and scheme; cutesy pastel tone. So girly, yet comfortable.Service: very friendly staff, helpful.Reccomended: yes !

  • harry_set92


    sorrryy banget ini kuenya secara tampilan super duper oke.. waktu itu dapet dari temen krn birthday..penampilan oke banget kebetulan waktu itu pesen yang kaya legorasanya dah agak lupa tapi yg kuning lemon2 gitu, yang pink rasanya kaya pewangi ruangam.. yang lain mungkin gak gt inget tapi yang pasti gak terlalu enak

  • N_P1995


    Beli kue ini for my parents Anniversary. Dapet free coklat papan untuk tulis ucapan. Frosting-nya cakep banget, bener-bener kayak taman bunga dan bagus banget difoto. Dalamnya bolu warna pink yang lembut dan di antaranya ada krim putih rasa lychee. Di antara krimnya juga ada potongan buah lychee kecil-kecil yang terasa waktu digigit. Rasanya enak dan light, manis seger gitu, ga bikin eneg. Padahal waktu itu kuenya dimakan setelah kenyang anniversary feast. Aftertaste-nya juga mirip habis makan yoghurt. Kue ini bisa jadi pilihan tart yang ga terlalu berat untuk dimakan sebagai dessert.

  • Bleasure_guy


    Aku tadi nyobain ice caramel nya lumayan strong kopinya, enak sih lumayan...nyobain ovo milonya juga, kurang enak karena rasanya ga ada milo-milonya. Terlalu manis(menurut saya). Tapi tempatnya bagus dan lucu bangeet! Buat anak instagrammable sih cocok untuk foto2 hehe.

  • 779herwinn


    Tempat nya enak sihh buat nyantai enak bgt. Tp i wouldn’t recommend the cakes. Biasa bgt cuma sponge cake dan rasanya bener2 biasa bgt (i ordered ovo milo cake). Ga sesuai sm harga nya. Rasa nya sorry to say kayak kue tart pinggir jalan gt.Tp utk minuman nya oke sih (i ordered berry blush).

  • n_marcella


    Kalo dibilang demen, saya memang demen bgt sama toko kue yg 1 ini. Waktu ke PIM saya menemukan toko ini padahal ga nyari tp udah sering dengar. Saya n adik langsung memilih slice cake dan kita bingung mw yg mana krn tampilanny cantik2. Akhirny kita pilih rainbow dan hanky pinky. Untuk rasa kuenya enakkk bgtttt.. Cakenya itu loh lembut dan krimny juga ga tebal jd sya n adik puassss makanny. Harga dan yg didapet worth it la ♡

  • adhisuryab


    I went for dinner there with my guy best friend. The place is cute and so well decorated. The staffs are kind. No need to tell, the foods are delicious as well despite the cute looking.

  • poetryadx


    Nice and cute place to hang with kiddos.. quick served and tasty cakes and bevs as well.. 😊 got Ovo Milo Cake and Chocolate Sunday Cake for these chocolovers.. Pony Peach Iced Tea and Cappuccino as the thirst quenchers..

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Colette & Lola terletak di Puri Indah Mall, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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