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32 Ulasan



Rp 150.000 / Orang


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Review Convivium


32 Ulasan

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  • MelB776


    this Saturday me and my special friend are decided to have dinner here (again), because of the review about this place on situs web is extremely good. we ordered : - spaghetti aglio olio 50k (bisa add salmon, tuna or mushroom. but aku nga suka semuanya so aku pilih plain aja) - roast beef 90k (with black pepper, rosemarry and mashed potato) - salame pizza 90k - torta passione : the red velvet cake 42k - and the tiramisu 35k okay, and the food was amazing! dan aku juga kaget soalnya pas pertama kali cobain itu nga enak banget. tapi yang kali ini enak, nga mengecewakan dan nga pricey sama sekali! dan menu yang dulu jg uda beda sama yg skrg, dulu pilihan pasta nga terlalu banyak but now, they like have 2 pages of pasta dish. the aglio olio is cooked perfectly, nga terlalu lembek, nga terlalu keras. nga ngembang gendut gitu, and nga lengket. a bit oily but it was delicious! tinggal tambahin keju parmesan and chilli flakes or maybe a chilli sauce? (selera ya) the roast beef juga aku suka, aku nyomot punya temen si hehe dan menurut aku enak! soalnya beef-nya berasa banget bumbu-nya. like uda di marinated for days, soalnya uda meresap banget, sayuran di pinggirannya juga fresh! ada baby tomatoes (hehe) and the salame pizza, aku juga suka banget! soalnya aku suka thin pizza, and pinggirannya garing banget, nga angus. terus cheese and portionnya juga pas banget nga lebay! the red velvet cake, nga terlalu manis so aku suka, untuk yg nga terlalu suka manis, boleh nih nyobain disini. and oh iya mreka ada coconut-nya juga loh di red velvetnya. tiramisu-nya okay, karna aku nga begitu suka tiramisu tapi rum-nya berasa banget, dan sangat tercium. over all i love this place! really good job convivium! ☺️oh ya untuk service-nya bagus orgnya juga ramah2 loh, walaupun cuma 2 org pasti susah and hectic kalo rame. tp mereka nga manyun! tempat convivium juga konsepnya sederhana rumahan gt tapi ada konsep bakery juga, cozy sih buat nongkrong makan2 and gathering. or a bridal shower? haha but kayaknya mereka nga ada private room? (not sure) wait for another visit from me and my friends ya! love ya!note: tahun 2012 aku kesini pas awal2 banget red velvet and rainbow cake lagi ngetrend, so we decided to have lunch too. and it was horrible! we ordered lasagna, something2 arabiata and of course their red velvet and rainbow cake. it cost us like 1,500k for 5 people. (a bit pricey right?) but now, i really love convivium, really enjoyed my second visit! cravings for more!

  • Pusat J


    Nah ini adalah restaurant italia kedua setelah Toscana yang tidak cocok di lidah saya. Menu yang dihidangkan kurang menunjukkan khas italia dan sangat bland. Cukup kaget juga mengingat lokasi restaurant ini di daerah dimana banyak org western tinggal.

  • HarpaX


    Semalem baru pertama kali kesini buat ngerayain bachelorette partynya temen gue. Tempatnya gampang banget ditemuin di sekitaran panglima polim, kalo lo tau nasgor apjay ya ga jauh dari situ deh, tapii parkirannya agak sempit muat untuk 6 mobil lah gitu.Disana gue pesen ice honey citrun, ice tea lemonade, sama spaghetti aglio olio. Rasa minuman oke seger lah.. kalo spaghettinya gue kurang suka, terlalu mateng mie nya trus kurang rasa bawang putihnya. Kalau temen gue pesen ice chocolate mint sama red velvet cake. Minumannya enak ga terlalu manis kalau untuk gue itu pas, kalau red velvetnya kurang begitu oke tapi yang enak dari tempat ini itu cozy banget buat kumpul bareng temen2 spot buat foto juga bagus terus pelayanan cepet..

  • Lovetravelkusuma


    Makan pasta dari spinach (lupa namanya) dan Spaghetti Aglio Olio dari Convivium, enak banget,m disajikan dengan tuna + olive = perfecto! Pasta bayam ini pake cream cheese untuk saucenya, agak hambar pastanya tapi itu recommended dishnya, tapi cream cheesenya itu loh......juara! Must try!

  • Khumaidi


    Convivium terletak di jalan panglima polim. Dari depan keliatannya kecil cafenya. Pas masuk konsep cafenya bagus simple tapi elegant nggak aneh lagi kalo cafe ini nggak pernah sepi pengunjung. Makanannya juga enak enak dari pasta, pizza, soup dan yg plg spesialnya adalah red velvetnya. Recomment banget red velvetnya tp cepet bgt habis

  • icandybali_carrental


    Tempat parkir nyaman, cukup luas, ga ribet. Seatingnya ada area outdoor dan indoor. Tempatnya ga begitu rame, musiknya jg ga begitu berisik jd pas banget buat tempat ngobrol2, bikin betah banget lama2 disini, tempatnya juga "photoable" banget. Pesen red velvet cake yang legendaris itu. Cakenya enak, moist banget, tapi cheese creamnya kurang berasa di lidah saya. Makanannya pesen spagheti aglio olio, rasanya agak hambar dan pedesnya kurang nendang padahal udah pesen yang pedes banget. Yang bikin saya kagum disini semua waitress nya ga ada yang mencatat pesanan customer, mereka bisa inget diluar kepala semua pesanan tanpa ada yg kelewat. Hebat!

  • heryp16


    Visited this place several weeks ago for a friend's bridal shower. This place is very cozy, and plus point for the friendly waitress that served us that day. I'm not sure whether not so many people know about this place or what, but it wasn't really packed. The interior and furniture are not heavily designed, but I should say those are well placed. Not really big, size wise. So if you're planning to have a small meeting with a couple of friends, I can say this one is totally recommended. I ordered their aglio olio, added with tuna. And I really loved how it tasted. My friends ordered some other dishes, and I can say that all were delicious. We also ordered their cupcakes. But unlike how some people reviewed, the cupcakes tasted so-so. Edible, but not memorable. Overall, I loved my dining experience there, and will definitely come back :)

  • Diantrav


    Udh 2 sampe 3 kalinya saya dan pacar saya ke sini, tempatnya sangat nyaman, makanannya juga enak cuman agak sedikit aja rasa kurang sih bisa di siasati dgn bubuk cabe/lada/keju yaahh.. Tp keseluruhan sih oke tmp dan makanannya

  • Dr Javed R


    Nice and cozy place to spent the night, but personally i dont like the taste, especially their pasta. The best thing they have are pizza and wine.

  • JRotikan


    Convivium has been one in the top list of my favorite italian restaurants in Jakarta since they firstly opened few years ago. I was being introduced to this restaurant by a friend of mine who studied in Swiss before and known the owner. Since I firstly came and dine there, I have already been falling in love with their cozy interior - the ambience was really cozy and homey, makes me feeling like being in home. The place is not big, it was just a small restaurant with a very big taste of foods. I don't lie. I really love their pasta and pizza. If you are a big fan of italian foods, you will find the difference and their wow point. Portion was pretty generous - I always share with my friends. Everything in this restaurant is definitely delicious. But there is one thing that my tongue and tummy do really really love and want it - their tiramisu. They have the best tiramisu in town so far - I am not biased yet this is my honest personal experience; the coffee flavor is strong enough, rhum is just enough and texture was very perfect. If you visit this place, make sure this is your must order dessert. Too bad the tiramisu is a bit difficult for take away as it is easily melting in room temperature.Price: Affordable

Lokasi Convivium

Convivium terletak di Jl. Panglima Polim 9, No. 1, Melawai, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Italia di dekat Melawai. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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