Cortado Coffee Bar

Cortado Coffee Bar


27 Ulasan


Rp 150.000 / Orang

Blok M

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Lokasi Cortado Coffee Bar

Jl. Kyai Maja No. 31A, Blok M, Jakarta

  • Sarapan
  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

Cortado Coffee Bar berlokasikan di Jl. Kyai Maja No. 31A, Blok M, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 150.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 9:00 - 21:00 dan merupakan Kafe di area Blok M. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Blok M. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Cortado Coffee Bar


27 Ulasan

  • ocha113


    Wrong location on website, this is actually across from taman puring about 30m from the large 7-11 (taman puring on website) on Jl kyai maja.We didn't have much but what we did have was excellent. Didn't hear any noise from the street or construction on Jl kyai. Had the baklava which was flaky and sweet just the way it should be, 3 small pieces per order, I did wish they were a bigger. Dutch pancake with some nice syrup and really good strawberry ice cream.Also the coffee and ice cappuccino was very strong and full of flavor. Nice place to relax.

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  • AristonYoga


    Cortado coffee bar located at kyai maja 31a south jakarta (beside 7eleven taman puring) we are serving ; Premium coffee, Fussion food, High tea, Shisha, Catering from office.. Meeting point.. Birthday & Holiday celebrations  for detail information contact us 021-29306801

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  • yusron_effendi


    Cortado Coffee Bar.Niatnya emang mau Nongkrong Cantik sambil Minum aja sambil pesen finger food.The Coffee Bar is Small, but so comfy place i ever visited.Location across Taman Puring.Near The Maja Blue Jasmine.Ice Chocolate, Hot Chocolate, CapuccinoTruffle parmesan fries, churrosSemuanya enak-enak .suka bgt deh sama tempatnya.

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  • ktrip99


    The place is soo coolll.. But the coffee is to die for😋.. Food is surprisingly as delicious.. Must try mie kocok, fish curry, burittos and their high tea... Soo yumm yummm... Definitely will come back soon

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  • isbulan


    Tempat nyaman sekali. Parkiran kebetulan lagi mudah. Suasana musik enak. Pesan cold brew with milk dan fish butter rice. Overall good experience

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