Cuppa Coffee Inc

Cuppa Coffee Inc


26 Ulasan


Rp 115.000 / Orang

JX-tainment, Jatinegara

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Review Cuppa Coffee Inc


26 Ulasan

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  • Angelsoo


    It is just my first time came here, and I just find that this place is good enough to be a hangout place, specially if you want to laugh hard enough with your besties, smoking, or else lol.This place has indoor and outdoor space. The wifi here is quite good, or maybe that is because of my visit is in a night day. The table... well, it is too little. You cant put a lot of stuff on it :))Here I were order:>> Greentea redbean frosticcinos (small around 32k) well, actually I dont expect much for the taste of this menu. But then I just realize that the redbean is pretty delicious ❤ it is sweet enough, though I wish they have whipped cream for it.>> Cookie monster frosticcino (small around 35k) I feel this like a cappucinno with mocca and cookies blended as one. Apologizes if I describe it awful-ly, but that is the taste that I feel in this menu.>> French fries (around 25k) just like another french fries that you ever tried in this whole world, lol.In short: well, maybe I will come later if my friends wanna hang out again?

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  • Sariasihprawiro


    Cuppa coffee in jatinegara x'entertainment is located in first floor. The cafe have a indoor and outdoor seats. Good view and best place for met up and continue working with notebook or laptop. On weekdays only open till 10-11pm, and on weekend through 1pm. The seats is okay, and the wifi is good.

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  • daniel s


    The place is easy to find.Good place to meet for a enjoying a cup of coffee after work.I ordered green tea latte, the service was fast. I didn't mention the size when it came it was huge!Tastes delicious and not that expensive. Oh and I love how they draw a leave with foam on my green tea.

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  • janeandoko


    Setelah berburu souvenir di pasar jatinegara, saya membutuhkan tempat berteduh yang ber-ac dan minuman yang sangat dingin. Oleh karena itu, saya memutuskan untuk menepi di jatinegara xtainment.Jatinegara xtainment ini adalah one stop place for food yang diisi beberapa tenant fast food dan jenis makanan lainnya. Karena saya belum lapar, saya memutuskan untuk ngopi di cuppa. Sayaa memesan ice coffee mocha (38k), cukup lumayan ya harganya. Tapi untuk rasa sangat pas sekali bagi saya, mengingat saya tidak suka minuman terlalu manis. Kadar kemanisan di minuman ini sangat pas.Sekian review kepanasan saya kali ini. Selamat jajan !

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  • 691viviec


    Nongkrong disini enak pas ada live music, pesan mochalicious with choco ice cream topping,, kerenlah, tempatnya dekat rumahku,, bisa hangout cari makan @ x'taiment jatinegara

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Lokasi Cuppa Coffee Inc

JX-tainment, Lantai 1, Jl. Raya Jatinegara Timur, Jatinegara, Jakarta

Cuppa Coffee Inc terletak di JX-tainment, Lantai 1, Jl. Raya Jatinegara Timur, Jatinegara, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat JX-tainment, Jatinegara. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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