Deer Brown Coffee

Deer Brown Coffee


5 Ulasan


Rp 45.000 / Orang

Green Ville

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Lokasi Deer Brown Coffee

Mansion Yard, Taman Ratu, Jl. Surya Wijaya No. 8, Green Ville, Jakarta

Deer Brown Coffee berlokasikan di Mansion Yard, Taman Ratu, Jl. Surya Wijaya No. 8, Green Ville, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 45.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Kafe di area Green Ville. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Green Ville. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Deer Brown Coffee


5 Ulasan

  • Dwiapita


    Came here because of the good review in website. Located next to Star Wash (a pretty big car wash near Jalan Panjang), this coffee shop is actually incorporated with a barbershop. The place is pretty small, can only accommodate about 30 customers. When we enter the joint, we will have to pass the barbershop first. They have simple menu, not many food, but the service is excellent. And the wifi connection is very fast.

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  • Niitnoot


    Funny concept for this new coffe shop / barber shop. What ?? Barber shop ??? Yess... From the outside this place looks like a barber shop however they have a coffee shop as well inside. The coffee was great and the place was so comfy. It just they dont have a wifi connection at the moment, it would be great if they have a wifi connection as well.

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  • krizieh


    Lucu siih coffee shop yg satu ini. Gabungan antara barbershop sama coffee shop. Something new for jakarta-rian, right? heheKesini tujuan awalnya nganterin pacar potong rambut, kirain bakal seperti biasanya gw nunggu sambil baca majalah doang, tapi ternyata pas kesini lumayan bisa ngemil sambil nungguin dia potong rambut. Pesen Famous Green tea latte sama churros nya. Enaaaakkkk. Greentea latte nya pas, ga kemanisan pas. churros nya enak jugaa. pas manisnya ^^tempat ini juga punya interior yg lucu, ada semacem sudut buat foto atau bisa buat duduk juga siihh, tapi lucu aja interiornya. kreatif. sayang gw ga foto si photoboth nya itu heheherecomended tempatnya buat yg mau hangout sekalian potong rambut, atau potong rambut sekalian hangout. bebas. hehecheers!

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  • Deddy1805


    The combo of coffee shop and barbershop is nothing new in lifestyle scene. But this place implements the thing very nicely. The waitress, barista, and barbermen are warm and welcoming. The interior design is cutting edge, not so special but heartwarming. Located in Greenvile area near Jalan Panjang, you can spot the place quite easily.Let's talk about beverages. We ordered Chamomile Tea, some fruity tea called Morgenteau, Matcha Latte, Hot Chocolate.The teas were using imported tea, it was Ronnefeldt Leaf Cup. Teas tasted pretty good, but nothing really special as they was just iced tea. Matcha Latte tasted legit, apparently they were using good quality matcha as the latte left this bitterish aftertaste indicating it wasn't low quality-processed cheap matcha. Unfortunately we didn't get to taste the chrros, because they're claiming to have the best churros in Jakarta.I'll surely come over again some other time around for the churros. Nice place for hangout, studying, and also for men to get themselves a nice haircut

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  • minefany


    When we entered the place, the waiter&barbermen greeted us warmly. The place maybe not really spacious, but it was nice! A warm light and cozy seats (with cushions!) Ordered blended cookies and cream+ famous green tea latte(da bomb)Tapi ga enak nya kalo ada yg ngerokok, satu ruangan jadi bau rokok :(Note: koneksi wifi nya cepet banget :D

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