
Domino's Pizza


27 Ulasan


Rp 80.000 / Orang

Central Park, Tanjung Duren

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Lokasi Domino's Pizza

Central Park, Tribeca Park, Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta

Domino's Pizza berlokasikan di Central Park, Tribeca Park, Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 80.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Pizza di area Central Park, Tanjung Duren. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Central Park, Tanjung Duren. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Domino's Pizza


27 Ulasan

  • Caterina B


    Kecewa banget pemesanan buat delivery order lama..mesen ampe 1 jaman lebih :( haduh. Pas ditelephone katanya rumahnya ga ada , lahhhhh kenapa ga tlp ya :( kecewa deh . Tolong d perbaikin lg deh buat delivery ordernya :(

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  • bangmipt


    Datang pas earth hour dapat diskon 50% for pizza only, lumayan, jadi pesan 2 pizza, hand tossed beef pepperoni & thin crust american classic cheeseburger. Yang thin crust enak, tipis & cheese-nya juicy banget.

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  • Vaniejolajoli


    Cheaper than Pizza Hut. Coming from the US it's not as great however the hand toss Monday special for 50k RP is a great deal. Pepperoni pie is worth a try.

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  • CMPSchroeder


    Domino's Pizza is my go to place for cheap and fast pizza. Although the place is always crowded and the hygiene is a bit lacking, but overall it's still acceptable.Domino's also has a lot of promos depending on the days, it's pretty cool if you can actually take advantage of it and order pizza for less than 50% of its original price.My all time favorite would be meat and meat, beef pepperoni feast, and cheese mania with a light and crispy crust, and also bread sticks! Price for 2-3 people eating are around 60k IDR-ish, not too expensive and really tasty!

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  • meiliana84


    Loves the pizza especially the one with cheese cheese and cheese XD. The pizza itself is not all bread, I mean at least it has more toppings and the bread itself is quite thin and crispy and I like it. And they also have a fairly promotion for pizza. Could not ask any better

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