Domino's Pizza

Domino's Pizza


5 Ulasan


Rp 80.000 / Orang

Thamrin City,Tanah Abang

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Review Domino's Pizza


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  • sena0289


    I prefer this than pizza hut!! Order pizza plus extra cheese for toping dan kulit pizza yg tipisssss.. Enak gilak. Petjah!!Di tamcit ini tempatnya kecil dan terpencil tp enak karena g terlalu rame g perlu lama2 ngantri.Coba buat sedikit variasi buat minumannya deh. Jangan hanya soft drink n tea aja. Pasti bakal lbh enak nih tempat buat nongkrong.

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  • Rosana R


    Have been taking away Chicken BBQ and Chicken Hawaiian pizza with classic crust for a long time now for my meals at home. Have never been disappointed 😊. Having Chocolate Lava also today. It's yum!!!

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  • conary57


    I love it! It's quite strange that I am posting a recipe for Dominos so late. However, here it is. Love the handmade veggie delight or all cheese pizzas, garlic breads and finger good! It's soo sinful. 💕

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  • conary57


    Akhirnya coba delivery online and pas lagi ada promo Tuesday meatzza medium only 45 rb, terus gabung dengan "buy one and get the 2nd one 50% off" promo. Yang pasti aplikasi Domino canggih, kita bisa memantau perkembangan order dari order ditrima, dibuat hingga pengiriman. Ciamik. Yang pasti rasa yang disuka pepperoni dan american classic cheeseburger. Love itBecause of many promo online, we signed up for the online delivery: "45k for medium pizza M-R (the pizza varied on the day)"; "buy one get the 2nd 50% off"; "4 small pizza for 69k". What we like also is the advanced application, where we can track out order from order receive, pizza making process, to delivery. Best of the best. Love the pepperoni and american classic cheeseburger flavor.

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  • arwantobukanarwana


    Pretty nice pizza place with another unique layout. Pretty nice pizza as always. Who doesn't love pizza?? Try this one out pizza lovers! Recommended.

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Lokasi Domino's Pizza

Thamrin City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Thamrin Boulevard, Tanah Abang, Jakarta

Domino's Pizza terletak di Thamrin City, Lantai Ground, Jl. Thamrin Boulevard, Tanah Abang, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Pizza di dekat Thamrin City,Tanah Abang. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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