


36 Ulasan


Rp 200.000 / Orang

Gatot Subroto

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Jam kerja
  • Minggu: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Senin: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Selasa: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Rabu: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Kamis: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Jumat: 18:00 - 4:00
  • Sabtu: 18:00 - 4:00

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Lokasi Dragonfly

Graha BIP, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Gatot Subroto, Jakarta

Dragonfly berlokasikan di Graha BIP, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Gatot Subroto, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 200.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 18:00 - 4:00 dan merupakan Minuman di area Gatot Subroto. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Gatot Subroto. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Dragonfly


36 Ulasan

  • JenR406


    Absolutely horrid experience.Bought a "table" for 5 million rupiah and ended up at a circular table by the bar far from dance floor. Host explained VIP tables were going for 10 million!!! But before that still was asked to pay 750k entrance per person (wow). Once seated, was asked to pay the bill up front before even seeing the menu. I refused and was brought the menu. Bought the most expensive champagne on the menu and was presented with two dirty champagne glasses. After about 20 minutes the champagne arrived. The waiter did not serve champagne to taste first, rather filling both glasses. Promptly, I was asked to either close my bill or leave it open. I opted to close as I was quite pissed by this point. The bill arrived shortly thereafter and in addition to the obligatory service (expected) there was a mystery "entertainment charge" of 1.7 million added to the bill (wow #2)! If you choose to party here, just go to the bar. Much less hassle and you will at least get what you pay for...

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  • Rama_pranajaya


    Great music, great ambiance, underage party people not recommend to go here as their houserule strictly for 21+. I am myself 21yo and they still questioning it😂😂 So many expat here.

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  • Srie N


    Sebelum gw mampir ke sini, gw baca2 dulu reviewnya. Ternyata banyak yg kecewa sama club yg satu ini. Gw penasaran donk sama tempat ini emang kayak gimana sih. Gw dateng udah pakai baju yg yaa menurut gw sih ok lah buat clubbing. Pas di pintu masuk ditanya dulu buat berapa orang, ya gw pikir oh gw lolos nih. Trus mbanya bilang harus bayar dua ratus ribu, ohh ok lah ngga masalah. Tapi ujung2nya dia bilang kalo baju gw belum sesuai dan masih biasa banget. Fix, ini club bikin ribetttt!!!

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  • NurA5684


    Just love this place. Went out with a friend and it was sooo awesome... Fairly moderate price according to the place. Music is good. And the crowd is just out of the world. I went out on a Friday but I guess Saturdays might be more crowded. Very nice place . Must go. Don't miss...

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  • Linda9523


    Club yang bagus namun agak kurang luas , dan setelah di renovasi jadi agak luas yang saya senang dari club ismaya adalah ada dress cek jadi seakan akan menjadi club yang berkelas

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