Ellexito Eatery and Pastry

Ellexito Eatery and Pastry


34 Ulasan


Rp 110.000 / Orang


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Review Ellexito Eatery and Pastry


34 Ulasan

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  • alpinpandu


    Went here with fellow website foodies and got to meet the friendly owner and try a lot of their menus. Every single one of them is delicious! :) The place is not big though, it is divided into smoking and non-smoking area with 2 floors. The unique thing here is, we can request the spiciness level for pasta because they know most Indonesian love spicy.Hainamese Spaghetti with Oriental Chicken | IDR 590003.0 / 5The idea is to replace a Hainan rice with spaghetti... and it worked! New thing for our tongue, taste good and everything are balanced except the chicken was a bit too salty for me.Rendang Beef Steak | IDR 700004.0 / 5The rendang made from real beef meat is tender and easy to be sliced so don't worry you won't get that super hard to slice rendang meat from Padang restaurant hahaha. But I don't know whether you would feel sick or full after eating a full portion of the steak served with french fries and calamari, also the rendang beef smell is quite strong.Creamy Fusilli Spinach with Grilled Salmon | IDR 700003.5 / 5Nice presentation, love the green color of fusilli that are made from spinach. The grilled salmon was way too plain for me, lack of seasoning but still, you can feel the pure taste of fresh salmon which is savory. There are mushroom and grated cheese too, completing the salmon and fusilli, yum!Chicken Balinese Salsa with Garlic Butter Rice | IDR 700004.0 / 5You should try this one if you want rice to make you full. The garlic butter rice was soooo good, seasoned perfectly well so you can feel garlic taste but not too strong. It doesn't dominate the star of the dish which is Chicken Balinese Salsa!Green Chicken Woku | IDR 480003.5 /5One of the fusion pasta! Green fettuccine and woku chicken which is a Manado spicy chicken. It is one of the most favorite menu in Ellexito. What I can say is the rich of taste and seasoning are suitable for Indonesian people. The spiciness blended well with fettuccine and chicken.Tuna Aglio Olio | IDR 380003.0 / 5Al dente spaghetti with good amount of tuna and parmesan cheese. You can choose the spiciness level also. Superb!Cheesy Baked Rice | IDR 380005.0 / 5Butter baked rice with tuna and melted cheese on top. They give really generous tuna inside you can feel how the tuna, creamy buttered rice and cheese melted all at once the moment they enter your mouth. I suggest to eat Cheesy Baked Rice when it is still hot, the taste will turn out more.. Rice Burger | IDR 550003.0 / 5Beyond my expectation is the rice that is actually green! Maybe it is made from spinach just like their green fusilli. Served with salad such as lettuce, carrot, and cabbage. The meat is beef teriyaki which taste like usual teriyaki so nothing special in it. Chicken Steak | IDR 550003.0 / 5Served with french fries, honey citrus salad, and creamy sauce. The chicken was tender and perfect with the sauce. However, the whole plate was too dry for me, the salad and chicken didn't really help.Fettuccine Carbonara | IDR 450004.5 / 5The creaminess level is perfect and they give nice amount of bacon :DLemongrass Lime Mayo Spaghetti | 3.0 / 5By reading the menu name itself I feel that the taste must be so sour. Lemon and lime. It turned out not as I expected. It taste fresh and I love the sauce!Mood Booster | IDR 280003.5 / 5Blueberry, pear, lime with tonic water. It is the sourness that makes this drink so fresh and it will lighten up your throat! Green Tea Blend | IDR 380003.0 / 5Lychee Iced Tea | IDR 220003.0 / 5With several real lychees inside (...or maybe canned lychees). For a 22000 rupiah drink, I expect a bigger glass hehehe.Will definitely come back again to Ellexito!Instagram: angelajessyana

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  • rurydermawan


    Hey foodiesOmg i haven't write anything these days.I really miss reviewing food and resto. HuhuhuToday i will write about one of the it cafe at kemang these days.It is ellexito eatery and pastry. Placed in the most crowded area in kemang which is mc donald one way road. HeheFrom the front the cafe is not so big but they have 2 floors. Dominated with black and white color. Simple interior and homey ambience. First i walk in my right side i can see the kitchen and the dessert counter. I can hunting for some sweets first.I choose second floor because i will meet my foodies friends and i know they are need big space to shoot food photo. HahahaI was ordered lychee tea and pasta.its lychee tea like other lychee tea, the portiin is not so big too.Its pasta fit my taste, a bit indonesian more like padang taste but meets western. A bit salty though. Its pasta portion not too much.We also try their newest menu. When we came those menu hadn't been released and we feel really lucky to try it on.Me abd my foodies friend order all type of their dessert. Our favorite is the tea matcha one. Really refreshing and not too sweet.Ellexiti is not so pricey. Worthed to hang out here

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  • YoseA19


    Kawasan Kemang tak pernah kehabisan celah membuat ceritanya sendiri. Daerah yang berlokasi di Selatan Jakarta ini tetap jadi satu destinasi favorit dalam berburu kuliner. Memasukinya, saya seperti berada di rumah sendiri. Tempatnya yang berkapasitas minim, membuat atmosfer Ellexito terasa lebih hangat dan privasi.Mengemban konsep “masa kini”, cakupan menu di Ellexito tidak jauh jauh dari sajian Western. Sebagai pembuka, menu pilihan pertama saya adalah Cheesy Fries. Bersama lelehan keju Mozzarella sebagai topping, menu ini jadi perkenalan yang nikmat. Sajian pembuka ini menyapa hangat indra pengecap. Saya membiarkan keduanya bercengkrama sesaat, hingga akhirnya hanyut dalam atensi yang seharusnya.Hidangan Western lainnya datang dari kategori Pasta, yakni Fettucine Carbonara yang mampu membangkitkan naluri untuk segera melahapnya tanpa sisa. Tidak begitu creamy, sebagaimana Carbonara seharusnya sehingga tidak terlalu mengenyangkan. Melengkapi untaian rasanya, potongan beef yang berada persis di atas Pasta berhasil menghanyutkan rasa idaman.Torehan canda tawa terdengar gaduh di telinga, melansirkan sebuah weekend yang menyenangkan. Yes, here comes the fabulous weekend.

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  • adesurya123


    Ellexito Eatery and Pastry, Gives You Mouth-watering Light BitesHello Guys! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015! (lol so late)Well, mengawali tahun 2015 ini gw akan me review salah satu Italian Cafe (or restaurant) di daerah yang gak pernah habisnya menelurkan resto-resto hips yaitu Kemang! Sebenernya gak sengaja juga ke Ellexito Eatery and Pastry ini, ceritanya abis makan malem di daerah kemang tapi masih belum kenyang #kebiasaan. Akhirnya kepikiran pengen makan light bites lagi, eh muncullah Ellexito di kepala gw karena emang beberapa temen lagi ngomongin tempat makan yang satu ini.Bertajuk Eatery and Pastry, Ellexito gak hanya menyediakan main course atau light bites loh, ada juga cake dan lain sebagainya. Konsep restonya sendiri lebih ke arah modern dengan aksen vintage, untuk storefront mereka menggunakan dinding kaca yang dipenuhi oleh tulisan-tulisan dengan design ala-ala typography. Ohiya, mereka menempatkan kitchen nya di storefront loh, so kalian bisa intip-intip proses pembuatan makanan kalian dari balik kaca transparannya.Di lantai dasarnya ini tidak terlalu luas, tapi mereka bisa mendekorasinya dengan tepat sehingga terlihat cukup spacey. Frame-frame foto menghiasi setiap dinding di resto ini, gak ketinggalan juga Ceilling lamps berwarna kekuningan yang berjejer di atas tables. Superb! Untuk lantai duanya, ketika gw kesana memang sedang tidak digunakan jadi mungkin lampunya dimatikan. Nah pas gw bilang mau foto-foto atasnya ke pelayan, eh dia nyalain AC nya terus nanya 'Maaf ya panas, baru dinyalakan ACnya'. Baiknya ♥ ♥ Nah lantai duanya nih yang emang luas, terus di dindingnya gak hanya di hiasi oleh frame foto, tapi juga kaca. Wah cocok nih buat yang suka narsis, dikit-dikit liat kaca :pNah seperti yang gw bilang kalo gw kesini hanya untuk light bites nya, so gw gak order terlalu banyak. Let's talk about it!Honey Jam Wings (IDR 32K)Denger-denger menu satu ini salah satu andalan mereka untuk light-bites, dan bener aja! Rasanya super yumm. Daging ayamnya super lembut, bumbunya pun meresap banget.Untuk gw pribadi, kadang suka enek kalau makan yang ada bumbu berbau honey nya, but this one is different, pokoknya enak deh! Must try :9French Fries (IDR 18K)Jujur ya... Gw makan french fries ini sambil megap-megap keenakan! XD French fries di Ellexito ini beneran enak guys, padahal gw kan sempet foto-foto agak lama tapi ketika agak dingin pun dia tetep enak. Teksturnya garing diluar tp dalemnya lembut, enak banget. Dicocol sambel? Perfect! Next gw ke Ellexito bakal beli french friesnya minimal 2 porsi.Fresh Milk (IDR 12K)Ceritanya kan pulang dari Ellexito mau tidur #lah.. jadi kali ini gw pesen Hot Fresh Milk. Quite fresh, dan gw memang pencinta fresh milk tanpa gula. Yumm :9Pas gw kesana mereka sedang mengadakan promo sharing menu di Sosmed gitu, dan dari itu gw berhasil mendapatkan 2 Free Juice! Yaitu Grape and Orang Juice, semuanya fresh tapi gw lebih suka dengan Grape Juice nya, sugar levelnya perfect tanpa ada rasa asam.Overall, I love this place! Gak cuma makanannya aja yang enak, pelayanannya juga baik, ditambah tempat yang comfy banget. You guys should check this place, gak akan nyesel deh. Untuk harga sih mostly reasonable. Gak sabar pengen balik lagi untuk coba pastanya :D

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  • raarya99


    Waktu kesini tempatnya masih baru banget dibuka. Kebetulan juga temen gue ngerayaan ulang tahun disini. Agak bingung parkirnya karena di depannya, tempat parkirnya kecil banget. Suasananya nyaman walaupun masih baru. Simple. Kalo untuk makanannya, waktu itu lupa nama menunya. Tapi semua pastanya enak! Tapi yang spageti ada tuna-nya itu yang enak.

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Lokasi Ellexito Eatery and Pastry

Jl. Kemang 1 No. 12A, Kemang, Jakarta

Ellexito Eatery and Pastry terletak di Jl. Kemang 1 No. 12A, Kemang, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Kemang. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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