Fiesta Steak
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Fiesta Steak


5 Ulasan



Rp 125.000 / Orang

Plaza Senayan, Senayan

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Review Fiesta Steak


5 Ulasan

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  • Akhmadfawwaz


    Steak ini biasanya ada di food court mal-mal besar. Kalau di Depok ada restonya sendiri. Gue suka sama grilled chicken steaknya, soalnya dagingnya cukup tender & ada sedikit kulit ayam yang masih nempel di dagingnya, jadi makin enak. Beef steaknya kurang tender, apalagi sirloinnya, susah banget dipotong. Untuk minuman, gue paling suka thai milk tea-nya, manisnya pas & cukup kental. Kalau lagi pengen makan steak murce, boleh lah ke sini~

  • johanasandra


    Kemarin makan Chicken grill di Fiesta  Plaza Senayan, ayamnya enak dan dagingnya lembut. Salad OK dan sausnya OK. Tapi untuk kentang, bau tengik dan seperti sudah layu dan tidak fresh. Semoga hal ini tidak terjadi lagi, sayang sekali kalau kualitasnya menurun karena satu komponen saja.Thanks

  • Rensiok


    Karena udah kenyang tapi masih diajak ketemuan di foodcourt PS, akhirnya pesenlah lasagna-nya Fiesta. Lumayan terjangkau, 27k only gw udah dapet lasagna ukuran ¼ piring . pasta lasagnanya tebal, dengan daging bolognes yg cukup banyak & keju leleh di atasnya.. termasuk enak! Ngenyangin pula, agak underestimate sama ukuran di awalnya padahal. Dan panasnya bertahan cukup lama. Boleh juga kalo lagi pengen ngemil quick lasagna.

  • Amandatraveller123


    Dari jaman smp sampai sekarang, dari jaman harga nya 30rb sampai sekarang harganya udah hampir 60rb, fiesta steak ini emang chicken steaknya paling juara, enak deh saya sih suka ya, skrg agak gede ya size nya, pantesan harga nya lebih mahal saya sampe pengab2 ngabisinnya, oia terus thai ice tea nya disini juga ternyata enak.Total billnya 70k agak pricey sih ya buat food court meals, mendingan makan tamani kemana2 Cuma gapapalah sekali2 mengobati kerinduan akan chicken steak.

  • Yani I


    Hola los amantes de la comida, como estas (hello food lovers, how are you)? 😊...wait, why Spanish? Bcoz it has strong relations to steaks, u'll understand later (that's why, keep on reading, c'mon, c'mon!) 😉. Went to this branch & ordered Chicken Steak & Mineral Water. I have a long history with this brand & this branch : been a regular customer since 15 years fact, when I was in my high school days, during the school trip, as a part of lunch time, we were allowed to have a lunch at this mall & I ordered the same food with remarks from my friends 😅 (a highschooler ordered a steak was just "something" back in those days, & maybe still is nowadays, but who cares, I eat what I want to eat. Simple.) nostalgic remembering those days 😣😑. The taste is good & a neat example of what & how a steak is. Won't even bother talking about the services & ambient aspects as it is located in a food court, u already know what & how a food court is, right? As u may already know, to emphasize the American values they use as the overall organizational culture & esprit de corps, the employees are dressed as cowboys & cowgirls (I wonder if the chefs also wears the same costume while cooking 😄😆). While its appropriate to do that as the culinary are popular in America, steaks & cowboys or cowgirls are actually originated strongly from the Spanish traditions. U think that steaks are "soo America", until u know that the fact is the highest number of eaters both in terms of persons & the volume of any kinds of steaks being eaten are actually the Argentinians & Americans don't even compare to them 😉. Moreover, cowboys & cowgirls or buckaroos originated from Mexico (the word "buckaroo" is an Anglicization of the Spanish word "vaquero"). Now u understand that not like what u have in perception, in terms of steaks -& cowboys/girls- , its actually more Spanish than American 😊. Despite all of these, the brand's concept has already being imitated by another competitor & if u know that its already a subject of imitations, rest assured that u can enjoy nice steaks at this place 😊. Muchas gracias, hasta que nos encontremos otra vez...adios! 🙋 (I'm sure u understand at least a little what the sentences means 😊)

Lokasi Fiesta Steak

Fiesta Steak terletak di Plaza Senayan, Lantai 3, Food Court, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Bistik di dekat Plaza Senayan, Senayan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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