Gokana Ramen & Teppan

Gokana Ramen & Teppan


35 Ulasan


Rp 55.000 / Orang

Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah

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Lokasi Gokana Ramen & Teppan

Puri Indah Mall, Lantai 2, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta

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Gokana Ramen & Teppan berlokasikan di Puri Indah Mall, Lantai 2, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 55.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Jepang di area Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Gokana Ramen & Teppan


35 Ulasan

  • Jetski5822


    Basi banget baru pertama kali nyobaiin Gokana, tapi sejak nyoba pertama kali yang order via situs web, sekarang kalau misalnya mau makan bento2 murah lebih prefer gokana dibanding Hokben, Gokana harganya cuma 30rb an aja, porsinya banyak dan asli ternyata bumbu2nya berasa semua.Saya sih suka banget dan bakalan banget jadi salah satu fast food pilihan selain yoshinoya tentunya.

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  • hisgorgeousness


    Ok tuk makanan gokana ini menurut gw dari harga masih terjangkau. Makan berdua SM bini Ng sampe abis 100k. Itu jg mesen paket gokana 1 dan 3 dengan lemon tea 2. Soal rasa masakan disini lumayan enak. Tp ada beberapa hal yg menurut gw biasa. Kalo Lo yg pernah makan HokBen pasti nasi nya pulen dan baunya khas banget. Di gokana nasinya biasa ajah. Saladnya biasa. Cm yg menurut gw enak adalah teppan ya. Pas banget di lidah orang kita. SM chicken rollnya lebih enakan disini di bandingkan sebelahnya. Tuk ramen nya lumayan. Dan porsinya GEDE, cukup 1 mangkok tuk berdua.

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  • Pius P


    Gokana ini salah satu restoran saya dan suami..karena kita bisa pilih menu dulu sambil duduk, dibanding resto sejenis yg hrs pesen sambil antri suami saya kurang suka..krn dia suka galau mau pesen yg mana hehehe.Menu favorit saya disini yaitu Katsu Hot Ramen level 4..duh mantab pedasnya...kl untuk paket nasinya favorit saya Special 2 yg ada Beef teppannya...saya suka banget sama Beef teppannya..Kl utk gorengannya agak lebih keras ya, apa mgkn gorengnya terlalu garing ya.Soal harga murah dan dapet porsi banyak..pokoknya sukalah.

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  • ardianpradana


    Sebenernya udah beberapa x ke Gokana tapi baru review skrg. Gokana ini harganya ga terlu mahal dan pilihan menu lmyn banyak. Selain itu kita ada welcome snack yg bisa kita ambil sepuasnya. Untuk rasa favorit gw beef tepannya, dagingnya juicy n empuk. Ramennya lumayan juga sih. Untuk goreng2nya gw blg masih enakan merk sebelah, tapi kalo daging2 tumisannya enakan di gokana. Service oke n makanan keluarnya cepat.

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  • graha14


    Exactly as the name says, Gokana focuses on ramen and teppan.I visited this restaurant about an hour ago with my mom since we were curious about the food there. We ordered these (I forgot to take pictures of them, my mistake):- Gokana Special 2 (Rice, beef teppanyaki and fry mix)- Crispy Tempura Soyu Ramen- Hot Ocha1. Taste (3/5)Beef teppanyaki at Gokana tastes pretty good. The veggie has this homemade feel since it wasn't overly seasoned, which was very pleasant. The beef, despite not being tender enough, tastes pretty good because of the sauce; it was sweet and savory. The rice was exactly what you'd expect although not as good as the one from bigger restaurants.However, I'd consider the ramen decent. The soup was great; definitely suitable for Indonesians' preferences, but the noodles weren't that good, as my Ma claimed (I'm unable to describe how the noodles tasted since it was my Ma's, and I only tried the soup).Both meals came with fry mix. Now, I won't go over the specific kinds of the fries, but I can't recommend the fries at all, especially if they don't come with the meals you're ordering. Taste wise, they were decent, but they were a bit hard and cold. I assume they were pre-cooked.Similar to the fries, the meals were also pre-cooked, which is why I can't rate the food above 3/5. If you're expecting a hot meal, this restaurant may not be for you.The hot ocha was good, definitely similar to the one served at bigger restaurants2. Portion and Price (4.5/5)This is what makes Gokana worth your money; the portion here is very generous. For approx. Rp. 100k, you and your friend each can have a full meal and don't have to get other quick bites. There is also complimentary snack (crisps), although we didn't take any.3. Ambience (2/5)Unfortunately, this restaurant is located next to a big arcade. Now, this arcade has some kind of indoor roller coaster, and if it runs, you can totally hear it and feel the rumbles. Plus, you will always hear the noisy arcade machines, which makes the atmosphere uncomfortable for casual dining.In summary, Gokana at Puri Indah Mall is a decent choice if you want a fulfilling meal, but there are better alternatives.Pros and Cons:+ Fulfilling meals+ Best bang for your bucks+ Fast service- Pre-cooked meals- Fry mix- Noisy

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