Greenwood Coffee

Greenwood Coffee


38 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Pondok Indah

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Review Greenwood Coffee


38 Ulasan

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  • fdahri


    Hi! Lg hobby review nih hihik.Waktu itu kaya sebulanan yg lalu gt aku nyobain nongkri2 cantik di Greenwood Coffee, soalnya dr foto2 di situs web kyknya tmpt nya enak.Aku kesitu agak sorean, udh jam 3an gt deh kynya....diluar ekspektasi sih, soalnya tpt nya rada mini gttt&ga pake ac. Alhasil rada2 keringetan deh😅Aku pesen Nute Latte, terus dua tmn aku yg lain pesen capucinno dan milkshake chocolate biasa. Utk nute latte nya sih B+ lah ya, gak B bgt. Terus aku nyobain capucinno tmn aku, rasanya sih lumayan enak. Aku lumayan suka, jd agak nyesel dikit ga pesen capucinno nya wkwk. Untuk next nya aku mau lg aja ko kesini, tp kynya hrs pas agak maleman gt deh biar ga terlalu panas. Cmn makin malem tptnya makin rame jg sih, ya pkknya next time mau kesini lg aja!At last, recomended for chill out with your super best friend👌👍

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  • 103andinik


    Greenwood itu tempatnya cozy , servicenya bagus , coffee nya so delicious hehe untuk makanannya gue saranin fettucini carbonara featuring green lantern ( maaf kalau salah dalam pengetikan ) harganya juga gak lebay. Long last pokoknya buat greenwood! People who love to eat are always the best people.

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  • onecent571


    Lagi kemacetan ujan-ujan terus ngidam green tea latte hangat. Noleh ke kanan ada kafe unyu nan homey dan sepertinya tdk mahal, hehehe. Suka banget sm suasana kafenya banyak dedaunan. Green tea lattenya ENAK dan harganya nggak lebay (22k). Pengen kesana lagi nyobain toast pake marshmallow yg sayangnya pas tadi kesana lg kosong.

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  • Roy863


    Accidentally found this small cafe when wandering around gandaria, but surpringly the coffee pretty good and very homy ambience. The owner also very friendly. Recommended place to escape from city crowd!

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  • Rustam12345


    Found this small cafe near my house which is green enough to catch my eyes. Went here with brothers and cousins, they surprisingly sell coffee and food such as pasta with affordable price and so pocket friendly. Even more, you can get 20% student discount by only showing your student's card for every Tuesday and Thursday.I ordered Green Koffie (28K), while others ordered Chocolate Iced (25K), Chocomellow (28K), Matchate Iced (28K), and Creamy Cookie (28K).Green Koffie is the combination between avocado and espresso. I like it, tasted like fruity-coffee-ish. But beware, you can stay up late till morning lol (or it's just for me).Chocolate Iced tasted general.Chocomellow tasted general also but you can found some marshmallows on the top of your drink.Matchate tasted general.Creamy Cookie surprisingly tasted coffee-ish.We also ordered their fish fingers (35K) but not as wow as I thought, or as wow as the one you can found in the mall.Well this place is good for students tho with that affordable place and nice drink if you look at the price. The cafe is not big enough, maybe only 6 tables available. But it's green enough so it's kinda fresh to escape the hectic Jakarta for a while. But again, they got us waiting too long for the drinks that came one by one for almost more than half an hour huft. Thank God the wifi is zuper fast. And the price on the menu is included with tax, so it's very cheap. Come come!

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Lokasi Greenwood Coffee

Jl. Radio 4 No. 2, Pondok Indah, Jakarta

Greenwood Coffee terletak di Jl. Radio 4 No. 2, Pondok Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kopi di dekat Pondok Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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