Hunan Kitchen

Hunan Kitchen


32 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang

Mangga Besar

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Lokasi Hunan Kitchen

Jl. Mangga Besar Raya 1 No. 61 M - L, Mangga Besar, Jakarta

Hunan Kitchen berlokasikan di Jl. Mangga Besar Raya 1 No. 61 M - L, Mangga Besar, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 125.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Chinese Food di area Mangga Besar. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Mangga Besar. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Hunan Kitchen


32 Ulasan

  • AmaliaNugraha


    Food took a really long time to come considering there were not too many people. I understand that Hunan cuisine is all about oil and Chilli but this had a little too much oil in the food. The waitress wasn't too experienced as she was getting confused at whatever questions we asked her. She had to ask her colleague about our questions, anyways She was just prepared to receive orders and that's it. Over all I had an OK lunch but not a place I would recommend.

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  • dawnDohaQatar


    Went to Hunan Kitchen at a friend's recommendation. Ordered the fried spare ribs, samcan hunan style, buncis with terong stir fried, kodok in hunan sauce, chili boiled fish, and akar teratai soup.We recommend the fried spare ribs, samcan hunan style (samcan stir fried with chili and garlic), chili boiled fish and the soup. They were tasty and spicy enough to be authentic.The frog legs were skinny and the frogs were tiny. Didn't particularly like it.It's an ok place to visit. Food was mostly tasty, and prices were reasonable. Service was adequate.One note though.. i don't know which items caused it, but every one in our table got tummy ache and diarrhea at night after the dinner there. I don't know whether it's hygiene problems, or the food was too spicy??

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  • deedatoterapiya


    If you like spicy Chinese place, this is the place for you. I have been here couple times and it is very spicy, but very matching with rice. Price is not that expensive neither.

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  • sonnensaldy


    Tried to stop by china town area for dinner recently, and this place and  it was a good choice. For people who love spicy Chinese food, you will love it. Order with their tea which was taste nice as well.

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  • FrequentFlier756579


    Chinese restaurant yg uda lama bgt. Klo makan disini disaranin rame2, jd bisa pesen banyak menu.Makanannya enak, tapi kadang suka keasinan.Uda pernah komplain, tp masi aja gitu (mungkin chef nya lg pengen kawin)Service jg ok, cepet dan tanggap. Penyajian makanan agak lama, jd kalo dtg jangan pas lagi kelaparan bgt bisa2 emosi 🤣

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