
Ippon Ramen


31 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang

Kemang Village, Kemang

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Review Ippon Ramen


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  • FoolishSaint


    The place is nice and offer new way of ordering your ramen, much like the famous udon joint that first introduce this kind of ordering to me. Sadly, unlike the udon joint, its pretty useless to bring your tray, since the cooking time is rather long. So my tray ends up filled only with drink and the condiments i took.The ramen... Well... Its bland. The broth is tasteless and not rich, unlike the other ramen broth. The place is place is pretty much empty, despite located in the 'hang out' part of the mall. For the pricing is a tad expensive for that kind of taste and the variation is lacking too. :/

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  • Anthoni C


    So one day me and my boyfriend were craving for some Ramen, then we decided to go to Kemang Village and found this lovely restaurant on the second floor to the left of the outdoor side of the mall (I don't know what to call it) So me and Alfonso Marcelino Umbas went up and into the restaurant. The interior is very different from other Ramen places, while others usually use the colour Red for their interior colour palette But this one uses Blue instead. So the atmosphere is soft and calm inside, somewhat peaceful..Food.So there are 4 steps to order,1st is to choose the broth weather its chicken broth or Pork broth.2nd you gotta choose the seasonings for your broth3rd you must pick the toppings4th (optional) order some sidedishesOr you could just order the combo for 70k its really easy lolThe taste is remarkable, I couldn't put it into words myself. YOU JUST GOTTA TRY IT

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  • HallaM19


    makanan enak dan sangat cocok sama lidah gw, ramennya sangat rekomen banget, udah lama gw cari ramen enak banget bgini, pelayanannya pun sangat memeuaskan

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  • Geoffrey T


    Ktmu Pork ramen di Selatan Jkt..Mienya kecil..soupnya enak..tp Agak kurang asin klo buat gue & suamiCondiments nya banyaakk...ada rawit ulek (penting)!Bagus Yudho

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  • suci21


    the broth is tasteless, the noodles is overcooked, and the very important thing is why the price is so expensive.hope they will improve more someday...

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Lokasi Ippon Ramen

Kemang Village (Lippo Mall), The Avenue of Stars, Lantai Upper Ground, Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kemang, Jakarta

Ippon Ramen terletak di Kemang Village (Lippo Mall), The Avenue of Stars, Lantai Upper Ground, Jl. Pangeran Antasari, Kemang, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Jepang di dekat Kemang Village, Kemang. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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