J. Sparrow Bar & Grill

J. Sparrow Bar & Grill


27 Ulasan


Rp 240.000 / Orang

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Lokasi J. Sparrow Bar & Grill

Noble House Building, Lantai Ground Floor, Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat, Kuningan, Jakarta

  • Bawa Pulang
  • Wifi

J. Sparrow Bar & Grill berlokasikan di Noble House Building, Lantai Ground Floor, Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat, Kuningan, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 240.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 11:00 - 1:00 dan merupakan Italia di area Jakarta. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Jakarta. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review J. Sparrow Bar & Grill


27 Ulasan

  • touring_ravi


    Went here for xmas dinner with my friends , nice ambience & good service. Menu makanannya ga sebanyak yg di website..We ordered potato gnocchi with pancetta 3/5 , aglio olio 2/5 (too sweets) , chicken wings 3.5/5 (taste good but over price), fish &chips 3.5/5, crispy pork belly 4.5/5, salmon flake dabu dabu 4/5Close at 9 on weekdays

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  • rrizkaar


    kita baru pertama makan disini. pelayanannya bagusssss banget! dan makanannya yaAMPUN sumpah ga boong enak enak semua. sampe mau nangis pas nyicip setiap menu! kita pesen makanannya thai curry chicken over rice, nasi campur jsparrow, potato chips. minumnya caffelatte, tapi satupun dari menu bikin kita tertegun sama rasanya. mas dan mbanya juga baik bgt mau fotoin kita heheheh. i’ll be back sih!!!

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  • Incredimya


    Food 9/10Drinks 10/10Atmosphere 10/10Music 5/10The music mix was initially good–oldies with jazzy touch, then came live music with rather odd song list–00s to 10s ubiquitous pop, and the final hit was a mix of Brit rock Oasis and pop Coldplay–almost resembles grumpy and rebellious teens. This last round of rather loud tunes unfortunately ruined the mood of the amazing Roman-with-modern-touch interior.People with classy business attire will assumingly appreciate a more curated playlist.

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  • Efraimorlando


    Tempat nya nyaman sepi enak buat ngobrol, pesan jus rasanya enak. Harga cukup overpriced tapi worth dengan kualitas dan suasana tempat nya

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  • Dinda R


    Today i had a J. Sparrow sliders and Greek salad for lunch. The sliders was rather disappointing for the taste not as expected, maybe it’s too sweet and oily from the Chinese bun or “mantao” that they’re using. The Greek salad didn’t have enough cheese and the sauce was too sour. Service was good and friendl though.

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