


18 Ulasan


Rp 125.000 / Orang

The Foundry No. 8, SCBD

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Lokasi Kaffeine

The Foundry No. 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

Kaffeine berlokasikan di The Foundry No. 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 125.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Kafe di area The Foundry No. 8, SCBD. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area The Foundry No. 8, SCBD. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Kaffeine


18 Ulasan

  • Darwin S


    Gue kesini jumat malam. Plannya emang utk hv fun sama temen² jadi cuma minum² aja. Utk price sih standard sih di harga segitu dikawasan scbd. Tdnya gue pikir vibe barnya bakal krik gituloh krna its my first time here dan liat dr bbrapa review di situs web. Tapi pas udh ditempatnya lumayanlah. Engga bikin kecewa. Pas banget di malam itu emg schedulenya southern am perform dan dijam 1an ada dj performancenya jg. So makin malem makin asoy. So far I really enjoyed it.

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  • suwenl2016


    I’ve been here once when Saturday Night. No expectation for the food cause I literally know nothinh about this place. Suasananya emang gelap-gelap sepi gitu.Then I ordered 2 kinds of Pizza (sorry I forget the name) but it was signed with star which I think those are the 2 most favorite pizza with Booster.The pizza are both GOOD. Not as I expected first but it taste really good.Booster was also good but apparently it didn’t suit to my taste. But actually it was good.

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  • bubu99zl


    Cuma pesen minum krn sampe jam 10. Ceritanya mau ke tempat tetangganya b*** G***** , tp disitu waiting list dan keliatan banyak teenagers alay jd malas kan. Akhirnya pindah kesini, pesen ice tea latte and hubby pesen hazelnut latte. Ga nyobain punya hubby sih, tp ice stroberinya lumayan. Yg asik ada live music sampe malam.. yahud banget. Lagu2 jg bagus dan singernya aktif interaksi sm tamu resto. Oke lah for listening to live music at night time. Price sih standard yah ala cafe ibu kota. Around 45K belom plus tax and service. Kapan2 balik lg buat listen to the live music..

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  • Anjanye


    Been there couple times, they have great selection of liqour, beer, also wine. Suit for meeting with cold draught beer. Cozy place, great cocktails and coffee of course!!! Love the night ambience and live band. The pricing it really suitable for my pocket. Recommended!!!

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  • rickyhandoko


    Coming here around 7.30 pm, apparently they dont serve hot beverages anymore. Dissapointed with the service. The waiter poorly explaining the conditions. First time in here and dont think will come back anymore.Spoke to the supervisor and he explained that hot beversges stop at 8pm, which we ordered at 7.30pm++.Such a great dissapointment. Extensive improvement on the customer service need to be done.

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