Killiney Kopitiam
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Killiney Kopitiam


20 Ulasan



Rp 75.000 / Orang

Kuningan City, Kuningan

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Review Killiney Kopitiam


20 Ulasan

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  • hermansyahlubis_


    Came here on lunch time, a fair amount of people was there, not that much but not exactly empty either. Decided to try their Laksa Fried Rice, wasn't in the mood to read the menu so just decided on one of the picture on the menu. I have to admit it was good, it really did taste like Laksa, it was very pleasant. I needed a jolt that day so I decided on the cookie coffee (or something along that line), but it was just not my cup of.. coffee. (Like tea, but coffee, geddit? Ha, okay leave me alone.) You might like it but it was just not for me.Service was good, waiters were very attentive and polite. Prices were quite reasonable for the food I had. I liked the place, it was pretty small but it has a nice.. structure? Sure, let's go with that. What else? Guess that's about it. Here here.

  • 230elsaf


    Had never been interested to try killiney kopitiam. It looks pricey with standard place. Well i can say my mind's changed now after one colleague insisted me to have a lunch here! :)It has a quickie and good service. Waiters and waitress are friendly. It has never been very crowded and that's good, since you still can enjoy being here and having a chit chat with friends. The real kopitiam concept i think :)It is not pricey at all for the meal. I tried fried bihun (35k), singapore bilis fried rice (35k), mammoth ice tea tarek (33k), and strawberry peach tea (22k). It tastes good with quite big portion. Well if you look at the price of the beverage, it seems to be expensive compare to the meal. However, the drink is definitely in a giant glass!! Especially the mammoth one. And i love the drink. I never think that this kopitiam is pricey anymore :)Well, one note about the kaya toast which actually becomes a specialy of a kopitiam, it is completely standard and not special here. If you want kaya toast, it is better to order from ya kun kaya toast (the stall is very near to it), but for others (meal, drink, and ambience), killiney kopitiam is hundred ways ahead :)

  • ivanninitraveller


    Kebetulan hari ini i ada urusan di Kuningan City, berhubung sudah makan dan lagi mencari tempat yg asik buat duduk dan cemil" aja, jatuhlah pilihan ke tempat ini.Seperti Killiney lainnya, Killiney Kopitiam di Kuningan City terbilang memiliki desain yang cukup simpel & tempatnya pun tidak terlalu besar, cocok untuk snacking sambil ngobrol". Pilihan menu makanannya pun beragam dr main course hingga menu snacking. Biasanya i pesan kaya butter toast, tapi hari ini hati lagi tergerak pengen coba yang lain, jd pesanlah chocolate toast dan berhubung lagi pengen sesuatu yg gak heavy buat menemani chocolate toast ini pesanlah teh manis hangat. Keduanya jika digabungkan bisa menimbulkan rasa yang ringan sekali di mulut, sama sekali gak bikin perut begah.*catatan tambahan : kalau masih belom kenyang dengan satu toast (karena isi nya hanya 4 pieces kecil, bisa ditambah dengan memesan snack asin yang ada) i kasi rate 3/5 karena rasa makannya lumayan dan ambience nya juga lumayan, oke lah untuk kita yang ingin sekedar duduk dan pengen mengunyah sesuatu yang ringan.~ selamat mencoba, au revoir ~

  • DannyBongso


    kalo mau minum teh tarik dan kaya toast ini salah satu tempatnya, proses cepat, harga pas, rasa cukup ok.. biasanya 50rb udah cukup buat "cemilan" dan minum

  • Markewanget


    I have visited killiney for several times. Often to visit for their kaya toast and their teh tarik. Bought it as set menu, so you will have cheaper price. Set menu consists of: coffee/tea, bread toast, and eggs. But their others menu were also great, and recomended for you to try. One of my fav menu is Mee Goreng Singapore, made with perfect spice and ingredient. Fish cake, shrimp and eggs were spreaded inside the noodle.

  • repakust


    Horlicksnya enak, macam energen gt sbnrnya, tp ok kok, apalagi klo pesennya yg panas, lebih cocokMakanannya jg ga beda sama cabang yg lain, standar bgt, apalagi harganya lmyn tinggiKecuali punya kartu kredit CIMB, yg bisa ngediskon 20%

  • novinrj


    average. waktu kesini duduk di smoking area. tapi saya tau kalo bau rokok tetap mengganggu yang duduk di non smoking area. i went here for no reason, the kaya butter was good, beverages were good. call me poor, but cuma order gitu aja berasa banget abis banyaknya? not reccomended buat mahasiswa kaya gw

  • Farida E


    Biasa banget. Bikinnya cepet2, mbak2nya gak pernah senyum. Milih berhenti di sini buat numoang ngerokok n lepas capek kelar belanja bulanan doang.

  • Popskey


    I have been here many times, i love to have es cincau everytime i go here. Cincau is black jelly with a unique taste and texture. Their kaya toast is one of the best in town i guess. For light meal and killing the time, killiney is one of my choices.

  • HeruJ51


    Untuk makanan yg ada daging pasti porsi ya kecil bgt. Liat aja Laksa Fried Rice yg gw pesan. Dagingnya seiprit. Begitupun dengan somaynya. Untuk fried rice rasanya lumayan. Tp somay-nya gak menarik.

Lokasi Killiney Kopitiam

Killiney Kopitiam terletak di Kuningan City, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Kuningan City, Kuningan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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