


35 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang

Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah

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Puri Indah Mall, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta

Kitchenette berlokasikan di Puri Indah Mall, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 175.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Italia di area Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Puri Indah Mall, Puri Indah. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Kitchenette


35 Ulasan

  • ssudhana


    Menunya a la barat" gitu, tempatnya good tapi jarak antara tamu" terlalu dekat. Letaknya dekat dengan rumah karena di Puri Mall, rasa masakannya over all yummy n tasty banget. Tempat favorite saya dan suami buat satnitez.

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  • U1807PDdavet


    Pertama mau order sih direkomen temen Fish n Chipsnya. terus pesen deh karna penasaran n pengen bandingin sm merk tetangga.Porsinya lmayan gde, tp emank enak sih Fish n Chipsnya, lebih enak drpd merk tetangga. saus tar2nya juga pas n ga bkin eneg. Harga 95kSecond visit, gw order menu Breakfast dan Maid's Nasi Gorenguntuk Menu Breakfast harga 125kYang gw sayangin makanan keluar ga panas, terus buat gw dagingnya keasinan. Dagingnya enak sih empuk pake saos BBQ tp buat gw asyinn... My bf said so juga.Maid's Nasi Goreng 105kRasanya buat gw biasa aja, but bf bilang enak n dia suka. Hanya aja nasinya lembek untuk ukuran nasi goreng. Kyknya harus ganti jenis nasi deh yg cocok buat nasi goreng.Tempatnya enak , ada outdoor n indoor. cman agak sempit aja , agak dempet2 gt mejanyaUntuk harga gw blg pricey. Menurut gw makanannya agak mahal2, ada bbrapa harganya worth it sm makanannya, dan ada juga yg gak.

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  • norachenhs


    This is my first time going here because last time I got voucher from Puri Indah Mall as I spent IDR 200k...My first visit here is nice. The staffs greet us nicely and warmly so the ambiance is good.Then we order Baked Truffle Mac and Cheese with Turkey and Ham and it's sooo delicious!! The cheese is melting and the taste of the ham and turkey is a great combination!Then, my mom order Kitchenette Big Breakfast..It is recommended too! The portion is quite big and the one that becomes our favorite is the sausage! We choose pork sausage and we don't regret it!So, I give 5 stars for my review because I love everything, the ambience and the food!

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  • Pinrmdhn


    I really love their food and the place also homey.That time i ordered spaghetti carbonara, eggs benedict, meat lovers galettes and chicken quesadillas. All of them tastes very nice 👍🏻

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  • Mylovelywira


    What was good:Pesto Penne pastaMashed potato - though was notified it’s not th creamy kind, it is dry lumpy sort, it was actually quite moist and it was goodBurger has that bbq burnt fragrance which we like, chips was good. (Not served with fries)What was terrible: Wagyu Rib eye steak took more than 30minutes while it’s ordered medium rare. It turned out disappointing after the LONG WAIT! Suspected tenderizer was being used in the meat. It didn’t have the meat texturePotato gratin was awful - dry and flour tastingRoast chicken was very dry and the “chicken smell” was rather strong, suspected not fresh chickenSo don’t order these itemsThe servers and manager render great service

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