


5 Ulasan


Rp 45.000 / Orang

Dharmawangsa Square, Dharmawangsa

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Review Kuekue


5 Ulasan

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  • Feby C


    I was attracted very much with its cute pinky and girly interior design. Good place to have a little Me-time. They have delicious macaroons here with varieties of flavors. However I was not much satisfied with the main course they offer. The angelhair tuna pasta was blunt so did the chicken pie. We ordered CreméBrulé, it was disappointing. Caramel was far away from the tastebud. Overall this place is good for a cup of coffee with few macaroon bites from the fairytale kitchen

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  • Vinna S


    My favorite banana macaron, taste so yummy and has a nice macaron texture. Everytime i ate at yakinikuya i always stop by to this bakery just to get the banana macaron. Kuekue has unique flavors of macarons, and i havent had a chance to try their other desserts because always felt so full everytime i went there. Next time i will surely taste the eclair and choux sable.

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  • Sadamglow


    Dengan dominasi interior warna warna ceria dan sofa2 yang berwarna pink,tempat ini terkesan sangat girly. Banyak yang recommend macaronnya, tapi karena saya kurang suka macaron saya pesan beberapa macam dessertnya saja :*Cheese cake redvelvet brownies - lapisan cheesecakenya cukup enak dan layer redvelvet browniesnya juga enak.*Eclair Baileys - Texture eclairnya pasti tidak terlalu lembek dan filling cream Baileys yang terasaseperti cream mocca yang beralkohol juga enak.*Ice cream Baileys - homemade icecream ini enak banget.Baileysnya masih cukup terasa..saya suka banget.Next time saya pasti akan kembali untuk mencoba dessert yang lainnya.

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  • Juned Adi W


    I tried their apple crumble and their macaroons.. I do not understand the hype, their cakes are expensive and taste so ordinary. Will not recommend..

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  • wldnkrs


    Delivery nya parah banget. Sucks! Ditelfon katanya janji bisa diantarkan secepatnya, tapi kenyataannya hrus nunggu 3 jam lebih baru sampai kue nya. Minimum order 200.000 di luar tax. Ongkir nya sendiri 40 ribu jabodetabek. Tidak ada perbedaan area.Total delivery 300 ribu.Service delivery nya juga jelek banget. Mba mba yg angkat telfon jutek. Sorry to say, this store is not recommended for cakes delivery. Better harvest or cheesecake fact :((

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Lokasi Kuekue

Dharmawangsa Square, Lantai Ground, Jl. Dharmawangsa VI, Dharmawangsa, Jakarta

Kuekue terletak di Dharmawangsa Square, Lantai Ground, Jl. Dharmawangsa VI, Dharmawangsa, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Dharmawangsa Square, Dharmawangsa. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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