
Lapo Ni Tondongta Pramuka


55 Ulasan


Rp 50.000 / Orang

Kelapa Gading

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Jam kerja
  • Minggu: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Senin: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Selasa: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Rabu: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Kamis: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Jumat: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Sabtu: 10:00 - 22:00

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Jl. Boulevard Raya, Blok RA 1 No. 31, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

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Lapo Ni Tondongta Pramuka berlokasikan di Jl. Boulevard Raya, Blok RA 1 No. 31, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 50.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 10:00 - 22:00 dan merupakan Batak di area Kelapa Gading. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Kelapa Gading. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Lapo Ni Tondongta Pramuka


55 Ulasan

  • Ndahbee


    Another Batak restaurant that you might want to try if you are around Kepala Gading Area. I just knew this place through website. Actually we wanted to have lunch at Kelapa Gading Mall, but then ended up here. The employees said that the foods are dropped from their main restaurant, so the taste will be similar, but in fact, its “panggang” was very very bad. I think they boiled the meat and then they just baked for few second before served. I don’t recommend you to take this menu here. There rest is fine. Their space is quite small compare to others, so only can accommodate up to around 15-20 people. Price? Cheap as usual.

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  • ajvania


    (( i just realized the branch i wrote review for has closed down so allow me to paste it here ))Saya ambil takeout ini dari cabang Simatupang. karena belum ada di website, numpang disini ya reviewnya..Ok so this is definitely kind of food that:1. You can't judge from its cover2. Needs to stay away from unless you want your fitness club membership goes to wasteThis is my first time trying Bataknese/Karo food and i'm excited! But when it landed i kind of went " Meh.." Because it looks so.. Not special. Not to mention portion seems small for its price.I started dig in and dang it, this is good stuff.Panggang is so juicy, savory with a hint of sweetness. Very tender, melt in your mouth. If you tasted chinese roasted pork before, this is different. Perhaps the seasoning or else. You need to try it yourself.Babi goreng tasted a bit dry.. But the crispy skin left me speechless.Dishes came with a plastic bag of broth with some chunks of carrots and scallion inside, kind of a soup ( this is tasty as well! ) and two kinds of sambal. One looked like wasabi and one look like your regular sambal hijau. Later i found out the wasabi-alike one is sambal rias which contain kecombrang in it. The sambal hijau is sambal andaliman ( do correct me if im wrong) Didn't take the pic because they were kind of spill on the package 😢 both sambal tasted not too spicy but refreshing. Different. Cant really describe.. I heard they used andaliman for the sambal so maybe that's why.All in all, you owe it to yourself to try this lapo.Horas!

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  • EdzaWangi


    Lapo Ni Tondongta dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya Warung/toko saudara kita. Masakan khas batak kayak daun singkong yg ditumbuk,sop babi dan babi panggang dan sangsang semua tersedia. Patut dicoba satu-satu karena harganya juga terjangkau. Dan yg dtg kesini gak cuma org batak aja kok.

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  • 143edgarsm


    Overall:If you fancy some pork dishes cook in traditional Batak way this is one of the palce to visit.Located in shophouse with standard decor.1. Setting:In shophouse with standard decor. (2/5)2. ServiceService is quick with no nonsense. (4/5)3. FoodThere are few types of pork dishes that can be chosen, including some soup and some vegie dish.Simply put, the dishes are very very good. (5/5)4. PriceNot too expensive, with small plate of pork costing just IDR 10-20K.The other dishes is similar in pricing. (4/5)Summary:Very good Batak food and very very good pork.Score total = 15 / 4 variables = 3.75Final Score = 3.75 out of possible 5.

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  • TriplasI


    Pertama kali nya makan babi panggang lapo dan rasa penasaran yang selalu ingin coba akhirnya ke sampaian, gila enak banget, kekurangan nya cuma 1 kurang banyak kwkwkw

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Menu Lapo Ni Tondongta Pramuka

  • Sop B2

    Rp 30.000

    Sayur Singkong / Lalap

    Rp 10.000

    Sangsang B2

    Rp 37.000

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