Loobie Lobster

Loobie Lobster


37 Ulasan


Rp 100.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Loobie Lobster

Jl. Bhakti No. 15, Senopati, Jakarta

Loobie Lobster berlokasikan di Jl. Bhakti No. 15, Senopati, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 100.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Restaurant di area Senopati. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area Senopati. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Loobie Lobster


37 Ulasan

  • Ical9595


    A beatiful tiny bistro, in the heart of southern jakarta. The interior has this industrial/marine vibe into it. The meal was good. Hey c'mon this is lobster!! You can't go wrong with lobster!! 😂The idea of eating lobster with rice and sambal matah reminds me of eating grilled giant prawn in the sundanese restaurant tough. And by grilling the lobster, it gets a little bit chewy. Anyway...I would love to have some butter pouched lobster in the menu someday. Keep up the good work!

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  • cvairmas s


    Judulnya sih "lobster" tapi saya lebih suka udangnya... HahahaLobsternya agak sedikit "tasteless" menurut saya, biasa saja, tempatnya agak sempit memang, didesain sebagai "restoran" atau "rumah makan", konsepnya harusnya fastfood tapi saya menunggu sekitar 15-20 menit untuk keseluruhan menu (kondisi tidak ramai)Sambal matahnya oke, fine, but nothinh special about the lobster, lebih menggoda dan "berasa" udangnya, dan juga kepiting "maine" nya... Saus blackpepper maupun red sauce juga okey

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  • BundaChaura


    pergi ke cabang yang di senopati.value 1 - 10.place = 5food  = 7ambience = 5service = 8pergi kesana hari sabtu malam, tidak perlu ngantri krn ada tempat kosong. saya pesan mix platter, half platter, dan blue mussels with garlic cream butter. rasanya yummi.

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  • fabiantodar1


    Food: PhenomenalPrice: ReasonableAmbience: Like the inside of a train afterworkService: ExcellentFirst, let's discuss about the Lobster dish that I ordered. The presentation was pretty obvious to know that it is targeted for Indonesian palate. In fact, it is a Balinese dish for some parts since it provides a sambal matah as one of the dipping sauce.The lobster was perfectly cooked. The meat was firm and tender, showing that it is at its freshest condition. The accompanying side-dishes with calamaris and steamed rice just make the whole plate a comforting seafood combination. (P.S: Mind the cholesterol, guys)However, on the downside, the place is really small.... I really mean it. The maximum number of people that can get a seat inside it is around 24 people and the pathway between tables is freakingly narrow. Not recommended at all to wait inside for queueing.The menu is pretty simple, showing that it really focuses on its Lobster and seafood qualities. As expected from the same Group with HolyCow, HolyRibs and Holy Crab. A well managed business strategy for each of its own restaurants.I really recommend Loobie for those who are seeking to eat Lobsters in Jakarta with a reasonable price (below IDR 300k) and a really nice quality. If you have tried HolyCow, HolyRibs or Holy Crab, you might wanna try this as well. No regrets.

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  • mayasari_okta


    food:enak enak enak! utk harga segitu, rasanya above my expectationsambelnya enak, tp lebih enak lagi kalau lebih pedes, karena sambelnya sama sekali ga pedes imoplace:ukuran tempatnya imut2, tp tetep cozy karena didekor dgn cukup baikpelayanan:standard. ga ada yg special, tp ga buruk juga

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