Lot 8 Resto & Bar

Lot 8 Resto & Bar


35 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang


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Lokasi Lot 8 Resto & Bar

Lot 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta

Lot 8 Resto & Bar berlokasikan di Lot 8, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Jakarta. Rata-rata biaya yang diperlukan berkisaran Rp 175.000 / Orang, jam buka pada 8:00 - 18:00 dan merupakan Italia di area SCBD. Restoran ini memang adalah destinasi wisata kuliner di area SCBD. Di sini tersedia berbagai makanan enak and memang layak dikunjungi.

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Review Lot 8 Resto & Bar


35 Ulasan

  • Berviro


    BACKGROUND: Went here on satnite, 12 am (which technically made it a Sunday morning already).We were trying to find a place to sit down and drink beer but no place opens at that hour AND not closing in a few mins (Melly's Sabang still opens but we wanted to find something different). Initial plan was to go to Beer Garden but they already closed at 12 am (meh..). Luckily, still in the same ground, we found Lot 8 still opened and still packed many guests. We thought they'd have last order but the security welcomed us and said "still opens, until 2, pls take a seat inside". AWESOME. FOOD & DRINK: We only ordered drinks bcs we just ate so can't say anything abt the f&b quality. I ordered San Miguel Lite and my bf ordered Guinness. They have quite a slew of beer choices but don't expect Sapporo or anything like that for that matter. OVERALL: Ambience is great for satnite, young and beautiful urban people here, not dead even at 1 am, price is ok.

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  • Djielinda


    Nice ambient, nice music, nice drinks. Love the place and love the aura. Will surely come back here again. The price is also not too much...

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  • tanoe7788


    I give 3.0 for rating only for the ambience. Buat ngobrol-ngobrol tempatnya lumayan. Ada indoor & outdoor. Kata orang-orang outdoornya banyak nyamuk so we choose to seat indoor. Don't come if you want to try a delicious meal, because they're not available. Semuanya serba biasa, mulai dari main course sampe dessert. Mungkin yg jadi nilai plusnya hanya, they have the bar drinks. For the price, very affordable. Mungkin karena murahnya itu jadi makananya ya jatohnya biasa aja.

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  • zheheng


    Baru bisa nulis review padahal kesini nya pas bulan puasa wkwk. Kesini waktu itu udh malem jam 10an cuma buat minum2 aja. Aku mesen ice coffee lattee. Enak sih tp porsi nya kecil. Yg lain mesen ice blend apa gt lupa wkwk. Tempatnya remang2 gitu tp cozy sih. Pelayanan nya kurang. Waktu itu aku gamesen mojito tp di struk nya tertera. Suka ngasal ngasih minum :(Oiya shisha nya enaakk waktu itu mesen rasa apple trs bisa ganti2 pipet jd gak jorok

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  • kartikajr


    berasa anak gaul dikit soalnya ga demen sm rokok cupu alergi batuk2 jd kesini aja ga gitu ngebul I think. ya minumannya begitulah not so good not too bad tough.

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